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This forum seems to be slowly crashing. Things ae breaking down or just not working.
Can anyone recommend a similar forum to this one??

vocaloldfart 7 June 30

Enjoy being online again!

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No I have looked everywhere, and there is nothing like this. There are quite a few agnostic/atheist groups, both web sites and facebook etc.. But mostly they are just people moaning about religion, a place like this where like minded people just come for diversion and social chats about everything, no not found yet. I think that a break away group from here did try to set up a facebook page, and I tried it for a bit, but it was not much fun, not only too small, but the facebook style yuk.

I do the same one and three sentence replies on Facebook that I do here. I'm still there because my family uses Messenger to communicate.

I quit facebook ten years ago and lived happily ever after. Well sort of
I tried starting y own forum but i could not get enough interest in it to keep it going.People wanted to be a member, but apart from me no one wanted to input anything.

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