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Do you think philanthropy is good or bad?

A form of altruism. The desire to promote the welfare of others, expressed especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.
(Incidentally, altruism is the principle or practice of 'unselfish' concern for or devotion to the welfare of others.)

A person who seeks to promote the welfare of others, especially by the generous donation of money to good causes.

Ryo1 8 June 30

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Thanks everyone for your inputs. Cheers!

Ryo1 Level 8 July 1, 2024

I look at this picture and keep wondering if Taylor Swift would write a song about me. 🙂


I guess there is always a possibility that a person who is originally a philanthropist (a genuinely altruistic person) could get involved in politics and become a lobbyist or the like... Call me cynical!

Ryo1 Level 8 June 30, 2024

That there is a need for individuals to do this highlights a failure of government. Too busy playing geopolitics.

puff Level 8 June 30, 2024

Tell me about it. The UK may be the 5th richest country in the world, or whatever, yet we have millions of kids in poverty. Appaling, really.

@Ryo1 Same with the US. Greed is worshipped and it runs our politics.


She is reshaping the inequity of money distribution. No one has to go to her concerts. Yes I heard they are pricey and she is very wealthy. She is doing good with it. There are other's who do the same thing with out the fanfare. I am not a fan but I believe she is a decent and kind individual.

PaddyO Level 7 June 30, 2024

I like to think so, too.


Hopefully she will encourage Americans to vote Democratic in 2024. If Trump gets back in power all her good works may be for naught. 🤞


It’s definitely good for the philanthropist because it’s a Tax -write off .And the funny thing is that the individuals that hate the rich because they do not pay enough taxes are some of the recipients of these donations.’

bebe12 Level 6 June 30, 2024

So, say, a philanthropist like TS gives away lots of money because it's a tax write-off for her while the money is used to get many children out of poverty. That's win-win!

@Ryo1 I am not against a tax rite off .my point was that people that hate the rich ARE ,and complain that they do not pay Enough taxes which I do NOT agree with

@bebe12 Yeah, I got your point first time.


Simple answer it’s good for the people getting the money and bad for the people who do not want them to get the money


Good or bad depends on one’s point of view .This is a relative question.What if you are promoting the welfare of a terrorist cause in this case, it would be beneficial to the terrorist

Philanthropy is a form of altruism, and altruism is the principle or practice of unselfish concern for or devotion to the welfare of others. If I were to donate a lot money to promote terrorism, I would probably have a selfish reason (political agenda) to do so, which wouldn't be altruism...

What @Ryo1 said: if it's for terrorism, it's not altruism.


Good causes to one person may be considered bad causes for others ,It depends on who or where the money is going to ,so the answer is it could be good or bad .What one individual thinks is good another may think otherwise

>>> Good causes to one person may be considered bad causes for others
For example?

@Ryo1 Two examples .George Soros who is worth over 20 billion dollars donates huge amounts of Money to left wing liberal Democratic causes which is good for them .but to republicans this is bad ..Some of the 640 million in new charitable donations Amazon founder Jeff Bezos ex wife go to non profits including migrants who commit crimes ,and boosting male born transgender athletes who want to compete against woman .i am sure you are aware who thinks this is good and who thinks this is bad

@richiegtt Ah, that's political, not an act of altruism in the genuine sense.

@richiegtt Heavy on conspiracy theory, light on facts.

@Flyingsaucesir I was thinking that.


OK, maybe I didn't make myself clear. The original post is asking whether you think philanthropy is a good thing or not. Here, I mention Taylor Swift as just an example of a philanthropist. Cheers.

Ryo1 Level 8 June 30, 2024

I just think she's a hypocrite because she is a climate change advocate but she uses her private jet more frivolously and more frequently than most celebrities or people in general. There are sites that track celebrity private jet usage and she is one of the worst.

Tejas Level 8 June 30, 2024

Put that point aside, do you have any opinion on philanthropists and their philanthropic actions?

@Ryo1 I believe it has more pros than cons

@Tejas like bill gate giving the free jab in India and Africa


she also has a handler, and is train to be a witch....another off the wall bought and paid for bitch! Like many in hollywood or the music industry.


Your question has two answers. I will give you one of them.

That “philanthropist” may have become wealthy by hurting people.

By very publicly donating from his wealth , he hopes society will forgive him.

I see this but I doubt that Taylor wants any forgiveness. Of course, her good deeds may help her greatly on her taxes but it is all still her choice.

That is undoubtedly the case in some instances. But overall, I think its rare.

@DenoPenno That’s the other answer.

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