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I really miss the Republican Party of the past.
They weren't radical and deranged.

Unity 8 July 1

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How farin the past?

Lincoln’s Republican party was more democratic than today’s Democratic party. Source: Heather Cox Richardson’s book.

That is true


The republican party has been taken over - almost seems like the movie Invasion of the Body Snatchers is a documentary.


How did John Stuart Mill say it in the mid 1800s?

"Conservatives are not necessarily stupid, but most stupid people are conservatives...
I never meant to say that the Conservatives are generally stupid. I meant to say that stupid people are generally Conservative."


Where is Eisenhour when you need him?


I agree !! My uncle was a circuit court Judge, a republican, and he was honest, fair, and honorable.


The Democrat party is the one who has become radical and deranged!

I don't remember the Democrats storming the Capitol to obstruct the certification of the election. Or building a gallows to threaten the Republican Vice President.

Hillary and Al protested their elections and rightly so with Comey tweaking the FBI announcement and the Supreme Court tweaking Florida. But they conceded.

The derangement seems much more on the red, especially MAGA, side.

No, Trajan. It is a MAGA derangement. All the Dems have done is blatantly want to include everyone. MAGA thinks "We The People" means only them.

It wasn’t the Democrats that turned the office of the President into a dictatorship and made Presidents into Kings. Sorry but the thought of a lunatic like trump running around with the authority to assassinate his political rivals is unhinged. If I wanted to live under a bloodthirsty ruler I’d move to Russia. My father fought in WW II against just this kind of cruelty and insanity.

@RichCC There were a lot of irregularities in the 2020 election and protest was definitely justified. The 51 intelligence officials who branded the Hunter Biden laptop as Russian disinformation knew dam good and well they were lying and should be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law for doing so as that alone likely tilted the election in Biden’s favour. The Democrats are the ones who have weaponized the dept of justice to go after their political opponents and are a threat to American democracy not Trump or the republicans!

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