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Last week my oldest daughter wanted me to take her to House of Hope for food. Her car AC does not work, so I agreed. Last time I was down there they had a new food server that looked pretty good to me, so I might want to get to know her better. Not that many tattoos or piercings, but she was not there that day. OK, I know me and I thought about this woman on into the night. Most of their people were dopers who found Jesus in prison and they have a church right there at the food distribution. My mind works overtime when I ask myself if I want to be going to this church just to be with this woman. Then I am laying in bed after her and I have become a regular thing and I roll over and reach for her. She is not there. This is about the time I hear my car start up outside and I learn later that she has totaled it out while on a dope run. That's how my mind works today. Maybe I had best leave this place and their women alone.

DenoPenno 9 July 2

Enjoy being online again!

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if that is how your mind is working the connection twixt shoulds and expectations is broken. experience is that thing you can just after you needed it. when inadequately reviewed refresher courses may be req'd.
of course, maybe her body art was too overwhelming and/or it was all worth it. could be your mind makes the necessary adjustments. something to be valued about an apathetic attraction perhaps.


there was a little dog crossing the rail road tracks. a train came by and chopped off a piece of his tail. he went back to get his tail and another train came by and chopped off it's head. MORAL TO THE STORY: Don't lose your head over a piece of tail .

Leetx Level 7 July 2, 2024

The free piece of ass in nearly always the most expensive kind...

What makes you think it would be free?

@Jolanta The whole point of my observation is that promises of free cost more....


FYI, you’re supposed to eat the food at those places, not the junkies!? 🤔

This did not really happen. It is just a story about how my mind works and what might happen if I get involved with that woman, or any of their women. It is taken to great extremes but why would I want to go to church and why do I want a doper around? There is enough of this crap going on right in my own family. OK, Jeebus saved her but he once saved me too. I will take less drama.

@DenoPenno I’m not sure who this Jeebus fellow is, but he sounds pretty righteous!!?! 😎

@DenoPenno That’s good!! I hear eating those junkies will give you a mouthful of cavities anyhows!!?!! 🫢


Single is always going to produce less drama, that’s for sure…..🤷🏻♂️

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