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Being abducted by aliens ...

snytiger6 9 July 4

Enjoy being online again!

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Not a bad thought I suppose, but what would you do if you found out the aliens are also homophobic, perhaps even more so than alot of human beings are? Geez Matt, we might not ever see you again, that would hardly be an improvement. Might pay to first ask a couple of basic questions so as to ensure you'd be safe going with them, lol.

I wouldn't assume a shared language or a choice of whether or not to be abducted ...

@snytiger6 You would be missed.

Another new avatar? You didn't keep the last one for very long.
I like the message on this one, Spike. 🙂

@snytiger6 Then again, they may be friendly and cater to your every whim. ☺

@Betty Figured it was a good pick going into the Independence Day weekend.

@SpikeTalon Sounds good. 🙂 How long will this one last?

@Betty That much would be anyone's guess. Who knows, this one might last nine or so hours.

@SpikeTalon Would I be wrong in guessing that you get bored quite easily?

@Betty Perhaps not as much bored as indecisive when it comes to settling on an avatar.

@SpikeTalon Could the problem be that there are too many to choose from?

@Betty Could be...

@SpikeTalon Have you thought of taking inspiration from your favourites and designing your own?

@Betty Not much of a graphic designer, but might soon look into AI-generated art/graphics.

@SpikeTalon If you choose to, I would enjoy seeing what you come up with.

@Betty Currently experimenting with a few AI art generator apps, but looks like at present time the choices are rather limited. Down the road, and assuming I get good enough at it, might have to code my own app if I can't find one that meets my needs.

@SpikeTalon I hope it works out. I am so curious. (Please don't say, curiosity killed the cat. 😉 )

@Betty Not at all, and most of the times curiosity is a good thing. I spend an inordinate amount of my spare time either researching topics of interest, or taking online courses.

@SpikeTalon Improving your mind is a good way to pass the time. 🙂

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