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Is it not easy enough??? SMH...😟

Betty 8 July 13

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FFS, how much more depraved can these people get????

It is a billion-dollar industry. They want more profits.


In Texas maybe but sure as hell not in California....


Well I hope this method was used to shoot trump today! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Saw a picture of the meat and it looked like Walmart Chinese camo and firing that many rounds at 125 meters range and failing to hit the target is pathetic... In the prone position it isn't even good enough shooting to consider pathetic...

Is your sentiment shared by many liberals in America?

@Ryo1 Mine is that he should have hung out on the range and learned to shoot straight.... That way we could have said good riddance to bad cess....

@Ryo1 If they're going to make buying ammo and guns very easy for every wacko out there, what do you think is going to happen?

>>> I hope this method was used to shoot trump today!
So, you approve of 'this method' you talk of to shoot Trump, don't you? That's why I asked if your 'hope' was shared by many other liberals. I live in England. I don't have any insight.

@Ryo1 Just because people refuse to feel sorry for his fat stupid ass when he is threatening people's lives and freedom don't go making a big thing about it. My opinion is he got exactly what he asked for and it is a shame the shooter was such a bad shot.

@Ryo1 I don't know if it's shared by other liberals, I'm speaking for myself! If this POS becomes president again we're all fucked! Have you heard of project 2025? Have you read it? It's very scary!

@Ryo1 Think about it, Republicans are pushing for guns and ammo but don't care what happens to us plebs! If some wako goes and shoots up children who are at school, it's okay, thoughts and prayers but now that this POS is shot and survives, what now? My thoughts and prayers to the POS!

So, when are you planning to take him down? Crooks failed his mission, someone else will have to finish it, and you sound well-qualified for the job.

@Ryo1 I read an article about the shooter and supposedly he's a Republican and he tried to kill trump, so to me it sounds like it was staged, this guy ( the shooter) was the sacrificial lamb or maybe he really hated trump and this is going to be a shit show.

@Ryo1 While it is tempting I will have to decline and yes I am actually over qualified thanks to a misspent youth. Though if he does start his "second civil war" I will be helping stop that cold. You would be surprised how many common household chemicals can be converted to extremely effective weapons...
The moral to this story is don't start a race war in my country because it could become extremely unhealthy for you quickly...

@michelle666gar Hopefully they find it was all staged and Trump as well as his backers all end up with criminal charges...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz We'll see but I doubt it, they're going to ride on this! Most of us can see this is just bullshit!

Slippery slope to genocide. Your country is a mess, big time. Brace yourself.

The FBI also found that 'voter-registration data showed that Crooks was a registered Republican voter but on Jan 20, 2021, two weeks after pro-Trump alt-right supporters stormed the White House, Crooks gave $15 to a grassroots Democratic group.'

According to a recent poll from the Institute of Politics at Harvard’s Kennedy School, just 59% of college students who identify as Republicans approve of Trump’s job performance, down from 70% in early 2017 and far less than the 85% of Republicans who approve of his job performance overall. Researchers from Pew also found that young Republicans were more likely than older counterparts to have switched parties around the time of Trump’s election.


@michelle666gar SO RIGHT!

@Ryo1 Race wars are genocide...

@Ryo1 You do know who owns "Time" don't you?...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Yeah. And I don't pay attention to brands and labels.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I was thinking of Years of Lead, Italy, 1960s-1980s, as in how tit-for-tat violence/killings on streets could lead to uncontrollable social conflicts.

@Ryo1 You mean like Republicans committing mass shootings at concerts, clubs, health clinics, churches and schools?... Not to mention attacking people at political rallies and otherwise peaceful protests?...

@Ryo1 You should pay more attention....

No, mate. What goes on in America is your problem, not mine. And I'd like to think that I'm capable of looking at it from multiple angles without having biased views becaue I am simply an outsider.

And as for the shooter, if he was a republican, and convrted to a democrat, it is the case of 'There's none so pure as the purified', who knows.

@Ryo1 He didn't "convert" and it is not a religion.... The UK is the last country that should be lecturing others with all the problems you have there with your conservatives who riot after every soccer game they win or lose...

@Ryo1 I read that as well and more than likely the way I'm reading it in my opinion, he was first all about trump until the January 6th debacle changed his mind and slowly started to hate him and what a mess he made for his beloved republican party

@Ryo1 The way I see this about young college students and them being republican is because they grew up in a wealthy family and have no ideas about how minorities and other people who live without. They don't know people who grew up in poverty and have never been yelled racial slurs. They are very clueless, in my opinion.


When you’ve wasted half the people in the store and the cops aren’t there yet, but you ran out of ammo…. Who y’a gonna call? Ammo Vendo! 😂😂


And a 1,000 rounds weighs only 18.21 kilograms, and easy to put into a shopping trolley.

Depends on the round. You can buy more than that online and it come straight to your door

@Tejas And try to shoot a motherfucker that runs his stupid mouth in stupid rallys

Depends on the caliber and size of the round... Some reports claim he was firing a .22 which with long rifle cartridges would weigh less than a kilo...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I got my figures from an AK-47 round. I guess I should have said so in my original comment. 😟

@anglophone Keep in mind the 7.62 X39mm has a 170 grain bullet (most common) while a 5.56 X47mm commonly uses either the 55 grain (M193) or 62 grain (M855) so if you go by the M193 which is the most commonly used round in the bullet alone you have a difference in weight of 115 grains per cartridge or 115000 grains or nearly 7.5 KG in weight not counting the casing weights or powder charge weight....


You anti freedom nuts should love this. It IDs you and does face verification.

Tejas Level 8 July 13, 2024

You are right. A machine has never been hacked or broken into. No problem at all. Right!

@Betty well a cashier is just going to ID you to make sure you're 18. Really this is just another way for them to see who's buying ammo. Most gun people I know buy ammo in bulk online

@Tejas People who hack or break into things would probably not have the right ID or be of age. I guess the convenience is more important.

@Betty and what would be the difference if they stole it off the shelf? Criminals are gonna commit crime.

@Tejas You don't need to give them more opportunities.

@Betty it's less opportunities if it's behind glass.

@Tejas Oh! I forgot...Glass is soooo unbreakable.

@Betty jeeze lady. It's harder than taking it from the shelf like I said before. You're not even American, why do you care?

@Betty it doesn't look like it's behind glass either. Look at your own picture

@Tejas What happens down there tends to make its way up here.

@Tejas You're the one who mentioned glass.

Anything that is computerized can be hacked. Teens are so very good at that. You don't need another venue for selling ammunition. There is little control as it is without adding another.

I have no problems with responsible gun owners. With all the mass shootings that have happened so far, it is beyond me why any responsible gun owner would want such easy access for those who would abuse that access.

@Betty you're right I did. This is a non issue this is the most inconvenient way to buy ammo period. Coming from someone who buys retail and online, this way is more annoying.


And what could possibly go wrong????

Define wrong....

"Think of it as evolution in action..."
Larry Niven

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Wrong as in....shooting up a school.

@pamagain Well then let's hope they stick to shooting up each other... Seems after yesterday they are off to a good start...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz Perhaps some of them need more time on a shooting range?

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