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I am god ...

snytiger6 9 July 25

Enjoy being online again!

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Why is free will never factored in? This kind of rational is what you would expect from an 8 year old. Do better.

because "free will" doesn't matter. I have NO REASON to believe in a god so I don't. You may call this my 'free will", however... if there WAS a god it would have to respect my logic and my decision rather then punish me for THINKING. I find your comment kind of childish. just saying


So killing is an act of love. Makes one wonder how one will be treated in the so called Heaven!?

Yeah, the idea of spending eternity with a sadistic psychopath ruling over yo is not at all appealing.

@snytiger6 Not just one entity but billions of radical religionists.


Yep. Makes perfect sense. lol

Leetx Level 7 July 26, 2024

That's their story and they are sticking with it!

Unity Level 8 July 26, 2024

Fear is as opposite of love as one can get.

And your not my a father. I physically, with all senses, and by experiences, know who my real father is.


It’s like this shit makes sense to them somehow…..😇


Headline: Crazy Man Creates God In His Own Image!!!

(See how the capital letters in the words "God" and "Him" don't connote any special reverence when every word in the line is capitalized? I know; it's not much. But it's a start!😂)

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