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The Orange Buffoon is urging Xtians to vote this "one time" because in four years, they won't have to because "we’ll have it fixed so good you’re not going to have to vote." Does this mean that Xtians won't need to vote in four years because "everything will be fixed" means Trump will be dictator?

It amazes me that Xtians would even consider voting for a man who is a serial adulterer, thinks it is appropriate to grab women by their pussies, and who has been convicted for crimes.

It also amazes me that atheists have joined his cult. Whether you drink religious or secular Kool-Aid, the result is the same.


Gwen_Wanderer 7 July 27

Enjoy being online again!

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Just re-reading your post, what is wrong with secular? All that means is society develop their own laws rather than have any one religion impose their dogma on all. Get the church out of politics is being secular.
Repetitive messaging works on all, regardless of belief. But if you are aware of the power of repetitive messaging, you recognise it and can resist.

puff Level 8 July 27, 2024

I never stated that anything is wrong with being secular--why do you think that I did?

@Gwen_Wanderer "Whether you drink religious or secular Kool-Aid, the result is the same."
As an atheist I am extremely secular. People have the right to believe what they want and I fully support them, within secular laws of course. Don't like thought police. It's the Kool aid reference which I found out of place.

@puff My point was that whether one is religious, an atheist, or an agnostic, no group is immune from buying into cult behavior. Trump is not a Christian, he is secular, but he is cultivating Xtians (and others, including atheists) to drink his Kook-Aid. There was nothing out of place about my comment on the issue "secular Kool-Aid." I have mentioned this guy before, but will do so again: long ago, I knew a guy on a talk program who believed that the Sumerian gods were aliens. He was a staunch atheist, but he drank the secular Kook-Aid of Zecharia Sitchin. The result is the same whether it is having the harmless, but foolish, belief about Sumerian gods, drinking poison or storming the Capitol.

@Gwen_Wanderer understood. Thks


Oh atheists join cults. Look at covid.
I think the future is AI government. Politicians are too easy to corrupt and one they taste power................hard to get rid of.
I too find it strange many atheist reject one doctrine only to embrace another.

puff Level 8 July 27, 2024

You and I both think it is strange. I guess some/most people need to believe in "something."


What a terrific clip to replay in Evangelical states. Shove it in their goddamn faces.


Horrifying on every level.

All I see is a politician trying to sway first time voters. His boastful claim is that he will be able to fix things in one term then those first time voters can go back to their apathy.
Democrat's also try to get people to vote for the first time. The jump from what he actually said to the sensational headlines he proclaimed his aim to be a dictator is fairly laughable imo. But then again, the last few elections have been about "saving democracy" so at least they are keeping on message.


People in cults have been essentially hypnotized....they can't recognize they're in a cult and just accept everything that's told to them.


Christians don't care as long as they get to tell everyone what they can and can not do/say. They want the power to punish all who defy them. They will vote for a criminal/adulterer/lier/abuser because they are hypocrites.

Betty Level 8 July 27, 2024

And when you disagree with them, they will just tell you that you "don't understand" because you are not "filled with the holy spirit."

@Gwen_Wanderer I much prefer to be filled with the spirit of friendship. 🙂

@Betty it is a much better option, my friend.

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