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Speaking strictly for myself, the opening ceremony of the Olympics did not insult me.

Gwen_Wanderer 7 July 28

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I just stumbled over this.

Bingo! Also, they are OUTRAGED as Xtianity possibly being mocked, but they mock other religions with no guilty consciences.


I thought it had some wonderfully creative elements. Some not so much but, hey....they could never please everyone. (Marie Antoinette's head singing? LOVED IT.)

I didn't see the whole thing! I don't have a TV and looked at a YouTube clip.

@pamagain I ❤️❤️❤️ that part, one of my favorite metal bands Gojira!!!


I saw nothing offensive and believe it was a reference to Baccus, the Greek god of wine and debauchery /fertility. Davinci painting was not historically accurate, so even if it was satire, it deserved it.

One of FB friends also said that it wasn't a Xtian parody, but based on Greek myth.

@Gwen_Wanderer The Olympics are Greek, so that makes more sense than the Christian reference.

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