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Drank_Spear 7 July 29

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Trump is by far the better choice!

I agree when it comes to being a piece of shit, Trump is way ahead in that regard😉

Gotta agree on this one that Trump is by far the better choice to flush!


Well put.

I’m disappointed in you Spike!

@Trajan61 I understand. I'm to a point where I don't trust any politician. Very similar to how the late George Carlin viewed politics, disillusioned with all of them.

@SpikeTalon Failure to support Trump is an indication to me that you don’t consider him to be any better than Harris. There is a vast difference in their policies. To me Trump’s agenda is far preferable to Harris’s or any of the democrats.

@Trajan61 I agree with his economic policies, but don't care for or trust him as an individual. The infighting between the two political sides is what disgruntles me there, I'm getting too old to keep getting stuck between the two. Having an agenda is one thing, and while I agree with his economic policies, actually following through on their proposed agendas is another story, and that's the part I'm skeptical on. Getting forced into voting for one of only two choices is what I have objections to, as that sort of conclusion appears to be hurting our country and furthering the divide. That said, I refuse to cast a vote for any Democrat, just as sure as I wouldn't for any politician who had supported gun control legislation.

@SpikeTalon Sometimes you have to pick the lessor evil Spike. Trumps economic policies and gun policies are far preferable to any Democrat.

@SpikeTalon And Trump is the only one with any chance to defeat Harris.

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