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No brainer βœ… πŸ˜ƒπŸ˜πŸ˜‚πŸ€©

Flyingsaucesir 8 Aug 1

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A woman who favors a ban on fracking and wants to change the dietary guidelines to discourage people from eating red meat. Not to mention a woman who wants to continue the crazy agenda of the last last 3.5 years which has resulted in runaway inflation and great turmoil in the Middle East and the Ukraine. Yes I agree it’s a no brainer and I fully intend to vote for and support Donald Trump!!

A, Except for the earthquakes and the polluted rivers and groundwater and the toxic dust from where they illegally dump fracking water on dirt roads, fracking's great.

B, Too much red meat is not good for the environment or your arteries.

C, Inflation is a global problem, and the USA has the least of it in the world.

D, The Biden/Harris administration did not start the wars in Ukraine and Gaza; Vlad the Invader and Hamas did that. (Vlad, because he was encouraged by Trump's isolationism, and Hamas because Trump empowered the Israeli extremists by moving our embassy to Jerusalem, legitimizing the annexation of the Golan Heights, and green-lighting continued expansion of Israeli settlements in the West Bank, effectively dashing any prospect of a two-state solution.)

@Flyingsaucesir I wish there was an eye roll emoji for the comment you are replying to.

@HippieChick58 Something like this maybe?

@Flyingsaucesir perfect!!

@Flyingsaucesir Russia didn’t invade the Ukraine when Trump was president and neither did Hamas launch a massive attack on Israel!! That all happened while we had a weak president Biden. Biden’s loose money policies definitely caused inflation to be much worse.

@Trajan61 Nah bra. Sounds like you drank the MAGA Koolaide. Pull your head out.

Trump's Tax cut for the rich increased the national debt by more than 15 trillion dollars. Bush II's Iraq fiasco cost us over $2 trillion. So did Afghanistan. That's over $20 trillion poured down a fucking rathole. The lion's share of which is all Trump.

At least Biden's spending was investment in America. He shepherded the country out of the worst pandemic in 100 years, kept the economy afloat, and is renewing our crumbling infrastructure. He also expanded health insurance, and brought back manufacturing. These are all tangible goods for all the American people, not just the billionaires.

@Flyingsaucesir Your the one who drank the liberal koolaid! To much MSNBC & CNN!

@Trajan61 Trump diverted $15 trillion directly to the fat cats. And he could have gotten us out of Afghanistan in 2016, but nooooo! He left that mess for old Joe to clean up.

@Trajan61 And when Trump bungled the COVID-19 response, caused 200,000 excess American deaths and got fired for it, the whiny little bitch couldn't accept his defeat like a man. Instead, he invented yet another lie, a real whopper, staged a coup, tried to hang on to power.

Meanwhile, his other past crimes are catching up to him. He had to pay out $100 million for defamation, and another $400 million for fraud. The guy is a real piece of work.

The classified documents case has been dismissed...for now. The smart money says Aileen Cannon gets yanked off the case and after that, it's a slam dunk. Multiple violations of the Espionage Act, obstruction of justice,...the Done Cheato is going down.

@Flyingsaucesir You might as well get used to Trump as he will win easily in 2024.

@Trajan61 Nah, he's a loser, and he'll lose again in November. And once it's official, we can get on with prosecuting his criminal ass.

@Flyingsaucesir Walt until November and we will find out.

@Trajan61 That's the first thing you have said that makes any sense.


No brainer for sure!!

I'm making your comment my headline 😍

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