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Q: Why does the Supreme Court stink like a rotting fish?

A: First they handed the 2000 election to a climate science-denying oil man and self-styled Evangelical Christian; a Republican wack job who, based on a lie, got us into an unnecessary war that destabilized the whole Middle East and gave rise to ISIS.

Then they called corporations "people," allowing them to buy Washington.

Then they gutted the Voting Rights Act.

Then they revoked women's constitutional right to bodily autonomy.

Then they overrode state laws and made it a lot easier to carry guns in public.

Then they made it legal to make semi-automatic assault rifles fire like machine guns.

Then they delayed ruling on Trump's immunity bid until the possibility of a trial before the election was safely scuttled.

Then they ended rule of law in America by granting all American presidents immunity from criminal prosecution.

All the so-called "conservatives" lied under oath to get on the Court.

At least two of the bastards have, for many years, been accepting expensive gifts from billionaires with business before the Court.

One of them flies insurrectionist flags on his houses. The other's wife collaborated with insurrectionist architect John Eastman and lobbied the White House Chief of Staff Mark Meadows as well as state lawmakers in support of the insurrection; AND she attended the rally that kicked off the attempted coup. Neither of the black-robed blackguards recused himself from cases involving the insurrection's prime instigator, Donald J Trump.

The stink of corruption literally overpowering.

Now all we need is DJT back in the White House and the theocratic banana republic will be complete.


Flyingsaucesir 8 Aug 1

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I once tried explaining to a FOX news viewer that there was no taliban or ISIS in Iraq until we invaded.

The FOX channel was on the TV in the exercise room at the clubhouse and a blond bimbo was trying to tell a retired military commander that ISIS and or the Taliban was there before we invaded. He was trying to tell her that our invasion lead directly to ISIS being in Iraq.
I said the commander is correct, Saddam Hussein was a dictator all he cared about was total control. To that end no other person or entity such as ISIS or the Taliban would have been tolerated in his country.

This person turned to me and called me stupid and said I don't know what I'm talking about. I had to actually back up as he was in my face about 6 inches away from. I backed up further and said, "DO NOT ever get in my face again. You are way outta line."

The FOX viewer is truly brainwashed and unable to think for themselves.

Republicans tend to have a far narrower range of news sources than Democrats. Check out this chart from the latest segment of Judy Woodruff's "America At A Crossroads" series on the PBS NewsHour:

@Flyingsaucesir My twin sister has added the Epock Times to her line up of FOX and Newsmax.
Just can't get her to watch or listen to anything else.

@silverotter11 Epock? Not "Epoch?"

@silverotter11 I just had to google it. 😂

@Flyingsaucesir Sorry, the spelling was wrong, it is Epoch Times.


My worst nightmare is 4 more years of Donnie. I'm too old to emigrate to another country, they don't want aged relics like me. My hope is in Kamala.

I feel you sistah! 😐

Aside from all the weird shit the body is doing now that I am no longer 50 (shit, I'd be happy with 60 at this point), the reductions in viable options is just the worst! That is unless you are wealthy but we the little people really experience limited options and that is the most frustrating thing about being 71.

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