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Yes, somebody should look into Trump being white ad then he suddenly became Orange. It seems very strange. The distraction is there and you can do this using taxpayer money. If Trump wins he will use taxpayer money to prosecute his enemies. Wait! Aren't we the taxpayers?


Kind of like Jesus. He was black then suddenly became white! 😂😂

Though that was not his doing 😂

@Flyingsaucesir Neither was Kamala’s. The Orange Blob decided that.

@Barnie2years You have a point there.

Jesus was never black....

@Tejas given his birthplace, he was never white either. Unless you were there when he was?

@Barnie2years born in Jerusalem in the middle east would make him Arab


Is it drugs? Is it makeup. If it is makeup he should fire his valet.

I think he does his face himself. At least that is what I have picked up from reading Doonesbury 😂

@Flyingsaucesir That would make a great deal of sense. His eyesight can't be so good anymore, so he can't see the colors he is wearing. He's not tan, he's tangerine.






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