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A recent mailbox experience out by my road had me face to face with a canvaser for our upcoming August 6th elections. Keep in mind this is a GOP state. She asked me if I was going to vote and I said yes. She pushes her candidate so I reminded her of several things written on the literature mailed to me.

All the candidates want to "build President Trump's wall" when Trump is no longer president and the wall idea in full scale is impractical.

All the candidates want to "prevent China from buying up our land." This should be interesting and might take years. I remind her that Hitler owned land in Colorado.

Fentanyl is now said to be coming from China but it has always been used in medicine here in the U. S. How did this happen? It is also worth noting that when we charge China tarifs it only hurts those who buy the products because the buyer pays the tarifs.

The last thing I told her is that Trump would use our taxpayer money fighting with his enemies when it could be used for betterment of us all and shore up some needed programs.

Well, she did not know anything about Trump or his programs she said and I reminded her that some of what I said was on the very literature she was passing out. How could she not know? How would the Republicans think I would not know? She played dumb and got away from me as quickly as she could.

DenoPenno 9 Aug 4

Enjoy being online again!

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We always encourage our block walkers to read what they are handing out, but they are volunteers, the fact that she didn't shows her level of commitment., but still funny.

I think she was just playing dumb. Sort of like Trump does when he claims to know nothing about Project 2025. I did not exactly expect her to declare she knew her leader was an asshole but they wanted my vote anyway. 🙂 Some of the things I said go way back. If Hitler owned land in Colorado how long will it take our system to act on China not owning our land? Not that I am for China, but once we ban them who is next?


WOW!!! She didn't do any research or homework, I guess she's just as ignorant as the people she's thinking she's going to be talking to 🙄


And Republicans wonder why we regard them as assholes.

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