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Never trust a religion ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 6

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As a Christian your life only starts after you die. They teach this and cannot wait to practice it. The extra irony comes in when they want their elected officials to believe this also.


Yeah, Christianity is an apocalyptic cult. And a key point in their biblical "prophecy" holds that Jesus' second coming can only occur when the "the Jews" return to their ancestral "holy land." And this is why Christian nationalists find common cause with Israeli extremists, why they support continued expansion of settlements in the West Bank, and have no particular desire for a two-state solution. Not because they want to see a persecuted people have a place of their own, but because they want to see the end of the f**king world! Somehow this does not strike me as a sane or rational basis for foreign policy. 🌍💣💥

Yes, a very scary and possible self prophecy .
As they aim to do it, run far away.

Not to mention the Christian ritual worships a human sacrifice and eat his flesh and drink his blood.

@Castlepaloma Where you gonna run to? There is no place that is safe for climate change or nuclear fallout.

@Castlepaloma, @puff To be fair, their cannibalism is only metaphorical. But it's ghastly nevertheless.


I'm already living in the woods with a couple of hit men incase of zombie and robot attacks. Plan B is my house and community in Belize.prepared with farming and like minded people.
Let the starving games begin, I'm ready.

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