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Jimmy Carr:
Well, obviously, I'm not going to be telling the same jokes about Muhammad.
I'd feel very comfortable telling about Jesus.
And that's because, fun fact, I'm not a f-ing idiot.
So, if you're a Christian, and you're sat there thinking 'that's not fair - he'll make jokes about Christians all day long but he won't make the same sort of jokes about Muslims', well then, maybe, as a Christian, you should think about blowing something up.
Hey? No one's scared of you. What are the Christians gonna do? Forgive me?

Ryo1 8 Aug 9

Enjoy being online again!

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I wish the Muslims community would deal with a Muslim who kills cartoonist for drawing Muhammad . These are only a very few extremist. Yet murder has to be the worst sin in the book.


Don't be fooled into thinking that Christianity doesn't have its murderous radical extremists. History is full of them.


Christians say they will forgive you but it might not be true. I find it amazing that in court they claim to have forgiven a man who killed their entire family. Can you believe that? The MO must be that they have to forgive him in order for Jesus to let them in. My thoughts. Gimme a pistol and 5 minutes with that bastard and we are done.

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