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Netanyahu's Expert Testimony on Iraq in 2002
Came across a very interesting clip. Here's Congresses favourite war criminal, speaking as a ME "expert", convincing his bitches that removing Saddam in Iraq would make peace explode across the whole region. His fortune telling skills are rather poor in hindsight.
Wake up USA as this man and Zionists in Israel have been playing you, treating you like their bitch, for a long time in pursuit of Eretz Israel, a greater Israel.

puff 8 Aug 10

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We are all being played, and not just by Nuttiyahu.

Yeah, Zelensky is but a poor rank amateur in comparison.
But what does it say about American gullibility & #stupidity?


Too many 'ah's.' Again another, criminal talking about regime change in other 'terrorist' lands and failing to mention what drove the Palestinians and Hamas to get to the point they did. Israel has, from day one wanted to make Israel strictly a Jewish nation and continued to push the inhabitants into a shrinking corner until their options were gone. Saddam was a monster but at least that monster kept things in Iraq relatively in check. Once he was gone all hell broke loose. The only reason 'W' pushed to invade and dispose of Saddam was to avenge an attempt on the senior Bush's life. When the number of American casualties, in Iraq, exceed those in 911 Americans finally woke up and said enough.

Saddam will be remembered as the first dictator in domino fashion that was toppled in sequence so as to warn the rest that they will eventually be toppled too. As more happens the others will get more twitchy but eventually their own crimes will catch up on them . How is that asa piece of Freewill PROPHETEERING ?


US hired Saddam to have a major war with Iran. Rather than US hanging a presidenti Saddam maybe they should have given Saddam a US life pension.

What US is an slave masters and

war mongering at, is creating monsters, so they collect tax dollars. In order so they can murder their own monsters. These are terrorist, not heros in my books.

@Castlepaloma I recall a very old joke, pre 9/11.
Q: Why where the USA so sure Saddam Hussain gassed the Kurds?
A: They still had the receipts.

@puff receipts or the bills of lading for transporting the chemicals from US depots?

@puff, @Mcfluwster how long before the world decides that the worst dictators is the USA & its presidents since the 1800's?

@FrayedBear This depends of your scale of severity on Dictatorship . I very much doubt that the American people have suffered the worst Dictatorship in the world. In a Uk PM's word and campaign slogan " You've never had it so good"

@Mcfluwster the fact that USA still does not have a universal medical system, high homelessness, one of if not the largest prison populations in the world are all evidence of being run by dictators.

@FrayedBear Somehow the system would not accept my like for you last post ending in "being run by dictators" and I keep getting "Sorry, could not load like data" ????????

@FrayedBear It's all evidence many citizens haven't a clue about politics and listen to those that make outrageous comments. For years it's been the wealthy that went against a national health plan as these people didn't want to mix with the 'common' folk in a medical center. For someone who doesn't even live here some (I won't mention names) seem to know a lot (or they think they do).

@pedigojr, @Mcfluwster, @puff, @Castlepaloma one doesn't have to live under outrageous policies that are #stupid - living under imperfect national health schemes & having some education does allow for reasoned opinion.
Incidentally how do you explain the claim that Biden Harris Trudeau & Meta conspired to provoke violence in the anti covid backlash - "Think they're honest?"

@FrayedBear One must also refrain from criticism when one has no real experience of why a country has policies it does or when ones own country is far from spotless. Besides, we know of the failings of our country and at least have the right to criticize them and try to fix what is wrong. We don't need outsiders to call us hypocrites especially when the outsiders have enough issues with their own countries to deal with.

@pedigojr you can be jingoistic all you want but not when it is adversely affecting others outside of your country ie. Keep your shit inside your own boarders. We don't really care about what you do to yourselves but that does not prohibit us from commenting on it.

@Mcfluwster another frequent blip on the site. I frequently get alerts for likes that are not there.

@FrayedBear So when attacks become person it's time for me to say so long.

@pedigojr I'm pleased to read that you accept responsibility for the wrongdoings of your country. Wrongdoings that have affected & killed millions of people around the world.
My alerts have just told me that you are now following me. Isn't that stalking?

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