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At this time, I genuinely believe that Trump knows that he is going to lose to Harris. As usual, he will lie, create tons of misinformation, and play the victim. And, this time, I do not believe that he will go rogue again and try to steal the election by totally illegal means. He is quite stupid, but not that stupid, as this time would have no claim to any defense.

wordywalt 9 Aug 10

Enjoy being online again!

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Listen, I don't think the Republicans are focused on winning now but making sure the results are not certified. They plan to prevent the Democratic party from winning, no matter the outcome. I think Trump knows this and why he's coasting. It's not just because he's in lala land but because the party has told him don't worry, whatever happens the Democrats won't be able to win. There is a lot of shit going on. Some is known, but it's likely worse. Winning an election vote is one thing; claiming the result and assuming power is another. They are far more organised than in 2020 2021. It is very concerning.

They may try, but we know what they are up to and have the justice system ready to deal with them. That will make many of them think twice -- or more.

@wordywalt I hope you are right. I hope the Democrats have the legal structures in place to deal with it. I still think it won't be pretty. A massive landslide against the Trumplicans would help deliver a psychological shock needed, but in truth I don't have enough faith either in Americans or the US electoral system to deliver that.


Seriously, choosing JD Vance... I think that was his signoff. Campaigning is expensive, though. Donnie is going to drown in debt very soon. Oh well, as long as he's gone and quiet, I hope he goes out with a fizzle.


I too think this!

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