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No one who is young, or planning on having kids, or has kids, or has grandkids, or has great grandkids, should vote for anyone who denies climate science, or thinks global warming is a hoax, or is unwilling to act to ward off the greatest threat to civilization in human history. There's only one Party putting forth such a candidate, and their mascot is of the pachyderm variety...🐘

It's abundantly clear what Trump's agenda is. While in the White House, he took the USA out of the Paris Climate Accord. He repeatedly denied that global warming is real, calling climate science "a hoax."

Trump wanted to issue new leases for oil exploration in sensitive habitats, but was thwarted by the Environmental Protection Agency. So he cut the EPA's funding and relocated their headquarters halfway across the country, in the hope that many of their experts and scientists would quit.

More recently, Trump told a roomful of fossil fuel industry executives that he would continue to act in their interests, but his campaign needed a billion-dollar donation (a sum that the oil companies could easily come up with out of their petty cash).

And the extremist, "conservative" super-majority Trump helped create on the Supreme Court recently issued a ruling that takes away the ability of government agency experts to interpret and execute laws passed by Congress, instead handing that power to non-expert federal judges. (In one term of office Trump appointed 55 judges to the powerful federal appeals court, about as many as most two-term presidents. The total number of Trump appointees to all federal courts is 226.)

Earth's atmosphere and oceans are warming up fast, and the warming will continue as long as we continue to burn fossil fuels.

If we continue on with business as usual, the ecosystems we rely on for our survival will collapse. If the heat doesn't kill you, starvation will.

It cannot be said too many times: global warming is an existential threat to human civilization, and probably even to the survival of our species.

The good news is that we already possess technologies that will allow us to maintain our comfortable lifestyles without driving the climate into a death spiral.

But the transition to a green infrastructure will require investment. In the USA, there is only one Party (with any chance of winning) that is committed to making the necessary investment in our collective future. And their mascot is of the equine variety. 🐴 Vote blue in November. 🌎

Flyingsaucesir 8 Aug 15

Enjoy being online again!

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Trump once claimed that global warming was a Chinese hoax in order to make it appear like a communist enemy plot. He also used to be against EVs, but since Elon Musk embraced him, Trump is now in favor of Tesla EVs. He recently claimed that the oceans only rise 1/8 inch over 400 yrs. Actually, they rise about 1/8 inch every 9 months. He then claimed that nuclear warming is much more of a threat than global warming, apparently as a nod to the use of fossils fuel over nuclear energy. Nuclear reactors, of course, have extensive cooling systems and give off little heat. Enormously more heat is given off by the cars of the world.

Your figures are pretty much in line with what I am seeing from NOAA. Sea level is presently rising at a rate of about 3.6 mm per year, which would be 3.6 cm in ten years. But we should note that the rate of rise is constantly increasing, and there could be a big jump in the increase if, say, the Thwaits glacier in Antarctica were to give way. And it looks like this ominous scenario could begin to play out any day, what with the undermining by warmer sea water of the glacier's grounded leading edge. Everybody in the the climate science community is metaphorically holding their breath on that one. But sea level rise is really only an inconvenience compared to the danger posed by heat waves. Heat is a silent killer. Unlike most other climate-related disasters, heat takes lives without doing much damage to infrastructure. Some 400+ people died from heat stroke last month in Arizona, but a hurricane that hit Florida (and caused far fewer deaths) got all the headlines.


There are so many reasons to vote blue, keeping Donnie far away from any position of power is one, putting responsible adults in charge of the government is another. Yes, we are on the edge of a precipice, and the future for today's children is not looking bright.

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