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Empowerment comes from ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 21

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True empowerment often comes from a combination of self-awareness, knowledge, and the ability to take action. Here are some key sources of empowerment...

Self-awareness: Understanding your strengths, weaknesses, values, and beliefs is crucial. This self-knowledge allows individuals to make informed decisions and pursue paths that align with their true selves.

Education and knowledge: Gaining knowledge and skills can empower individuals to navigate challenges and seize opportunities. Education can take many forms, including formal schooling, self-study, and experiential learning.

Resilience and adaptability: The ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to changing circumstances fosters a sense of control and confidence, which are essential for empowerment.

Taking action: Empowerment often involves taking initiative and making choices that reflect one's values and goals. This can include advocating for oneself and others, setting boundaries, and pursuing personal or professional aspirations.

Mindset: A growth mindset, which embraces challenges and views failures as opportunities for learning, can significantly contribute to a sense of empowerment.

Ultimately, true empowerment is a personal journey that involves recognizing one's potential and taking steps to realize it, sometimes in collaboration with others. It is largely an internal force, and not external, although some external factors (like diversity) could factor into the equation as well.

It has been my experience that persons who accept diversity are almost always more self aware. I think the confidence that comes with self awareness means people are less afraid of those who are different.

@snytiger6 Keen observation there, and no disagreement from me on that one per se. Taking such a path usually does produce far less fear. When it comes to personal experience though, over the years I've observed a mixture of increased self-awareness and also doing so based on political motivations. Not all people embrace diversity simply because they think it's the right thing to do, and do so out of political correctness for appearance sake. Politicians would be a good example for the latter reason, as (at the very least) some of them support certain initiatives in order to secure a particular voter base.


And enjoying it! Living in So. Calif. is so enriched by our, language, cultures....we're all richer for it.

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