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Distrust all in whom ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 21

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That sounds like an advice formulated from the xtian teaching of "turn the other cheek".

Obviously there is no similar "wisdom" contained in the Jewish religion. Didn't the Jews promulgate xtianity? . . . What a clever trap they set.


Fair enough... I distrust virtually all Democrats and Republicans, as over the years both of them had demonstrated to me that they enjoy playing the role of punisher. Lock them up... I hear that all too often from both sides.

I've also heard it from both sides, but there is a difference in their motivations. Republicans wanted to lock up Hillary, just because they didn't like her or what she had to say. Democrats want to lock up Trump because he has actually committed crimes, encouraged violence, and wants to over turn our elections and our democracy.

I have yet to hear of any actual crimes they think Hillary committed. They just wanted to lock her up without any actual cause for doing so.

On the other hand, Trump has been prosecuted and convicted of felonies, and there are still outstanding indictments against him. Also, in the civil courts, it was proven that, yes, Trump did indeed rape E. Jean Carol, and in a separate case the State of New York proved that Trump provides fraudulent financial statements as a standard business practice. There is actual cause to lock Trump up, and when he is sentenced on Sept. 18th of this year, he may yet find himself locked up for his felony convictions.

@snytiger6 I believe they wanted to lock her up over the Benghazi email scandal, which I think there was enough evidence to proceed with that.

The motivations from both are questionable, and not strictly based on the desire to simply do the right thing by the law, but rather are motivated by personal vengeance. I also think Trump should pay a price for what he did, but I can also assure you that desire does not come from any sort of personal grudge against the man, just a desire to see justice. I could not honestly say the same about a good number of his political opponents.

The meme above made no immediate distinction between punishing those who really would deserve it or punishing for punishment's sake, it just made a general statement.

@snytiger6 see my remark above.


Strange! Zarathustra knoweth little about woman, and yet he is right about them! Doth this happen, because with women nothing is impossible?
And now accept a little truth by way of thanks! I am old enough for it!
Swaddle it up and hold its mouth: otherwise it will scream too loudly, the little truth.”
“Give me, woman, thy little truth!” said I. And thus spake the old woman:
“Thou goest to women? Do not forget thy whip!”—
Thus spake Zarathustra.

—Oh, that cursed, nimble, supple serpent and lurking-witch! Where art thou gone? But in my face do I feel through thy hand, two spots and red blotches itch!
I am verily weary of it, ever thy sheepish shepherd to be. Thou witch, if I have hitherto sung unto thee, now shalt THOU—cry unto me!
To the rhythm of my whip shalt thou dance and cry! I forget not my whip?—Not I!”—

[Translated By Thomas Common]


Now, do we know ANYONE with that impulse????

You know how Trump swears revenge for al his legal troubles, which are in fact entirely his own fault as he is just being held accountable for his own actions ... just like most other people would be held accountable...

@snytiger6 NONONONONONONO! It's never his fault! Remember his belief...say something often enough and people will come to believe it. Even HE believes it!

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