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Are you as committed to civil rights as you think you are?

KateOahu 8 Aug 21

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As a survivor of domestic violence and serious bias after I got out and needed to earn a living, I am Ferocious on the subject of treating People as People, period.

Thats a fact i do agree with you on that topic ,its a very serious issue to look into . Thanks Anne


Age makes a big difference. When I was in high school I participated in several anti war marches and rallies. A friend and I even were canvassing in a poorer section of town knocking on doors for petition signatures. I wouldn’t think of doing that now! My stepson wanted to canvas for Bernie Sanders in 2015. I accompanied him and a friend as they knocked on doors in his neighborhood, but I would not have done it myself. At this point in my life I avoid people as much as possible! I do make financial contributions to a variety of social as well as political causes.

I’ve been marching and volunteering since I was a teenager. This is probably the first year I haven’t in some way physically contributed to civil rights for “someone”. I did attend the Pride Parade here, though. I have not found the way in which I want to contribute yet.


I think people show support for a cause in whatever ways they can. We can't all go march in the streets for hours or even days. Some don't have the time due to job or family or other responsibilities. Some don't have the health to walk around out in the sun for hours. Some aren't willing to put their personal safety at risk or even risk being arrested. Some people simply aren't as strong as others.

And some find a way to make time.


Interesting share. I always admire people who can truly look at themselves objectively

Unity Level 8 Aug 21, 2024
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