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Atheists amuse me. They want ‘God’ removed from everything instead of redefining it in a way they can agree with. They think they'll convert everyone to atheism—hilarious! It's no different from Christians believing they'll convert others to their idea of ‘God.’ Why not just define ‘God’ in a way that makes sense to you, instead of letting someone else do it for you?

Drank_Spear 7 Aug 25

Enjoy being online again!

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As a one time believer and Evangelical Christian I am not now or ever trying to convert anyone to atheism. What is this atheism except a non-belief in gods. That's it. No gods. I have arrived at that conclusion and can only hope to help others to avoid the mistakes I made. Realizing that this "god" is something and re-naming it to anything is not a part of my life or belief system. I'm not interested in giving the imaginary new names.

@Drank_Spear That is a very good question. Everyone has a slightly different answer.


You know, endlessly spending your time trying to provoke reactions from people, including negative ones, in order to fill the inner empty void inside you, is a pitiful way to spend your time.

Limited people always see the world though the lens of themselves. This may amuse you, his last but one post. []


No, I don't think there are any atheists want that, at least not any that I have met. What most, at least intelligent, atheists want, is an end to the belief that words have definitions, but only usages.
I chose to define "pink balloons" as anything I want, that is my choice of word to mean whatever I want, because I know that it is unlikely to be used by anyone to create a fake impression of authority to justify their abuses, but I have then to explain my usage which is the important thing.

God however does not have a meaning, exactly as you say, because people can and do define it to mean whatever they want. But it does have a very specific usage, which is the claim of fake authority. That is why you may define it how you wish, nobody least of all atheists, will care in the least, but your usage of the word that is quite different.

Atheism likewise, is not used to say anti-god, indeed it has nothing to do with god, atheism is anti-theism, just like it says, that is to say against theism, which is a very narrow and specific usage of the word god.

Well said. 🙂

I see you haven't given up trying to teach him. Good luck. 🙂


I find the believers struggle to affirm and push their beliefs without evidence hilarious. Atheism is the absence of belief in gods, if you want to "convert" to Atheism just stop believing in gods.

So, according to your thinking, a person can "define" god as non-existent and irrelevant which will inadvertently cause them to "want ‘God’ removed from everything", especially since believers beliefs are without evidence. And, since believers are defining their god, they are creating their god in the image they want. The believer is trying to create their own "reality" to exist in, which is a struggle because most people think the believers beliefs are bullshit and do not want to live in their "reality".

To say "reality is simply what you make it", is ridiculous. Are you telling everyone on this site that you live in a reality of your own making and that we all exist in your reality? That is insanity.

According to you, "reality is simply what you make it". Are you saying that if you have a terminal disease that you can just "believe" you don't have it and that it will change your circumstances? That sounds like Christian Science, are you a Mary Baker Eddy wannabe?

Your little straw man accusation of people believing that "everything is provable" then stating the obvious truth that not everything is provable, doesn't make you intelligent, it makes you a child projecting your beliefs, nonsense, and your "reality" on to others so that you can try to dismiss legitimate arguments.

@Drank_Spear @Drank_Spear That’s ridiculous, believers push their beliefs, they proselytize. It's absurd to believe nonbelievers go around pushing people NOT to believe in something that hasn't been proven to exist (For example: I don't want you to believe in leprechauns, ...that would be stupid). Atheists can deny and reject claims that believers push without evidence, but that is not pushing their beliefs, that is rejecting unsubstantiated belief. Besides, atheists don't need to, the lack of evidence speaks louder than the believers beliefs and words. The problem is, believers WANT to believe, and they want you to believe in their gods without evidence.

Believers haven't produced evidence for their gods, there is nothing for the atheist to deny or prove, the believer must prove the assertions they make. Just because a believer believes something doesn't make it true. That fact alone exonerates the atheist from any responsibility because the believer offers no evidence.

@Drank_Spear An atheist does not make the assertion that there are no gods. The one making the assertion must prove the assertions that they make.

I do not define something that there is no evidence for.

I'm am not omnipresent and neither are you.

@Drank_Spear The science of what?

@Drank_Spear Accusation and projection is not intelligence. I have never even heard of someone assuming they know all verifiable evidence. Your strawmen arguments are not only delusional but ridiculously stupid.

In order to know, you must have knowledge, in order to have knowledge, you must have evidence. Believers simply believe without evidence producing knowledge. An atheist or non-believer accepts knowledge that evidence produces. Theists have NOT produced any evidence for gods.

This is why atheists demand proof in order to obtain knowledge and theists demand belief in order to sustain their faith.

A god is not defined by reality or existence, believers make the assertion that it is, the god makes no assertion whether it exists or not, it is therefore the believer who must then prove the assertions they make.

A child may believe they "love" Santa, but in actuality, they "love" the concept, the idea, of Santa, because, Santa does not exist. You cannot love an unsubstantiated belief. You may love the concept or idea of that belief which you have conceptualized over your lifetime from many different sources. But the substance, the proof, the most important thing needed to cause people to accept, that they can't produce.

There have been innumerable myths over the centuries that are no more real or relevant than they were when the first fool believed the idiot who invented them, it would be foolish to hold onto a false legitimacy of a god until it has been proven, the believer must prove their nonsense, "truth", or "reality" with evidence first.

@nogod4me Succinctly and elegantly to the point. Well done. 🙂

@Drank_Spear Exactly, believers will believe and will not change their minds even when all evidence is against them.

@Betty Thanks


Good shit. The atheists god is the government

That s true, , there is only one God and that is the Goverment.

Who else takes a third to most of our money. We are over obeiance to their demands and their false promises. They are in our faces everyday.

just plain WEIRD

@Leetx normal is being a woman with a dick, having autism, being on welfare, and worshipping a whore that sucked willie brown (30 years her senior) to get involved with politics. Normal is locking people up for marijuana when you're high. Pretending to be the party against crime when they just recently said defund the police.


"Atheists" at least non religious organizations, just want equal representation. If local or federal governments build a cross or some other religious sentiment on taxpayer land/website, they want to be able to put up their own sentiment as well. The same can be said for jews Satanists and Muslims, they all should be represented equally. But you know that you are just talking your usual nonsense.

Tejas Level 8 Aug 25, 2024

No, atheists want complete control over education, no bibles, no Qurans, etc. They want to censor religion under the guise of separation of church and state, without realizing the state is the church

@Communistbitch the United States was never ment to be a nation who idolize one religion over another. I would agree with those atheists religion has no place in school.

@Tejas you missed the point


It isn't so much that atheists want god removed, so much as they wish to live in a reality based world based in (provable) facts, evidence, logic and reason.

Having grown up in a religious family,and witnessing the dysfunction of believing in the supernatural, I'd say it is understandable to want to help people out of a belief system that does them psychological harm, and even more so if they use their beliefs as justification(s) to harm others.

In that way, I guess Christians and atheists may have similar motivations, in that both believe their efforts are to make a better world, but atheists come from a reality based real world point of view, while Christianity is based on ethereal faith based on a mythical book written by persons who never actually met or talked to the Jesus whom the stories are supposed to be about.

Most biblical stories are provably just recycled and reworked myths from earlier religions and cultures.

@snytiger6 You're wasting your time trying to get this guy to be logical or to think. He is a religious troll infiltrating this site trying to get us to find god.


There is no one reallty, just prospectives.

The person doing the shifting moves their subconscious from their current reality (CR) to their desired reality (DR) through a mix of visualization, affirmation, and meditation. This desired reality can be anything a person wants, even fictional worlds like the Harry Potter universe. I've seen Christians put down and attack the Harry Potter, series , that's like fantasy wars.

Drank, if God is within you , that's personal. When it's personal God fighting other God's that's Neverending conflicts. The beauty of not joining any centroism, is no enemies, no death penalties no serious conflicts to defend.

@Drank_Spear One of the best advantages to living in a reality based belief system is that I am willing to admit or say "I don't know". However, just because I may not have an answer readily at hand, does not mean I should assume god is the answer. All it means to me is that either I lack the education or that science has nto advanced far enough to have discovered the answer.

To automatically insert god into the spaces where you lack the answers is just laziness. It is easier to insert god to fill the gaps than to continue searching for answers. Insert god, stop searching and your mind is doesn't have to work so hard.

There was a point in high school when I sincerely tried to believe, but in the back of my mind, I always knew deep down I was just fooling myself, brushing aside the doubts and contradictions I knew were always there.

Looking back I realize my attempt to believe was actually an attempt to belong. Humans evolved as "herd" animals which instinctually gather in in groups for safety and protection. Even though humans no longer live in the bush, our animal instincts are still active, and we tend to feel "safe" when we belong to a group, such as a religious group. In order to belong many of us are willing to ignore the contradictions and beliefs which we know to actually be incorrect or untrue in order to continue to belong.

I am perfectly comfortable with things I am unable to explain for reasons stated above. However, are comfortable with the contradictions, the inconsistencies, and the lies that you know exist to maintain your beliefs?

When I gave up on religion, it was actually a freeing experience. I spent a lot more mental effort trying to deny my doubts about religion, than I did worrying about questions I didn't have the answers to when I left religion behind.

The hardest part of leaving religion was losing the sense of belonging, which fulfilled my animal instincts to feel "safe". However, in modern society, belonging to a large group is not really needed for survival any more. So, once I learned to manage as an individual, I no longer felt the "need" to belong to a large group.

In evolutionary terms, your feeling the "need" to convince others to believe in god is rooted in an (animal) instinctual need to enlarge your group, which, in the bush, would insure the stronger likelihood of your own and/or your group's survival.

Oh sweetie, you are using facts , reasoning and common sense on this moronic provocateur poster......

@Drank_Spear As usual, one thinks by playing the trump card (personal attacks) one knows the truth. We all, or at least some of us, know the reality of the trump world. There are ways to disagree which often work better than personal attacks. Most get it some think they get but actually make themselves look foolish!!

@Drank_Spear No one said someone was tRump but they often do play his card, personal insults. This is against basic civility but I'm starting to see those who are so quick to insults, instead of reason have gotten so used to it they are unable to recognize it when they do it. Just like a certain orange anus we all know and hate. Some of us try to pay attention to how we answer others but others could care less. How one responds shows what side they are on.

@Drank_Spear ???


How about your owe side?

@Drank_Spear Obviously there's a serious communication issue. Some people seem to have a big problem understanding others communication style. I've been on this site 7+ years and run into such people and when I do I've learned to simply ignore them. That will be the case here going forward.

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