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Some people won't try bacon for religious reasons ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 25

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I won't touch bacon for health (mine and the animals) reasons. Health is my religion.

I myself am not a bacon fanatic. However it does add something to a cheeseburger.

@snytiger6 I wouldn't know as the only burgers I eat are plant based. The video "You are what you eat." actually shows a plant based bacon that actually fools some people.


My daughter is Jewish by birth but not so religious. When she came to stay with me at around 14 she asked me to buy turkey rashers "They taste just like bacon". Well I complied but afterwards, I contradicted her: "No vegetarian in the history of the world ever relented for a turkey rasher"
Also, bacon is a near-valid argument for God's existence lol


I’ll eat to that!!! 😇


Poison tastes good, even great. Sodium nitrate saturated fat cooked till crispy? Mouth watering much?

Ah, the four food groups: Fat, salt, sugar, carbonated water.


You, I, and many others I'm sure.

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