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The world will ask you who you are ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 25

Enjoy being online again!

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On a side note, and just out of curiosity... would I (and the rest of the world for that matter) get away with saying you're a tiger? Just a random curiosity is all, you don't have to answer if you don't wish, lol.

LOL... I don't think that would work for most people. I was born in the year of the tiger by the Chinese zodiac... I'd think that would be the only realistic conclusion I could come to, in their trying to convince me of that.


A renegade, of the sorts, so the world better not get any funny ideas there, they won't be able to sway me. In my experience, the rebellious renegade types are the worst types to preach to or try to influence, lol.

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