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Christians aren't mad that you are an atheist ...

snytiger6 9 Aug 25

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I don't think Christians think about atheists as much as you think about Christians

Well it isn't like atheism is embadded into our culture, media and literature like Christianity is. There aren't atheist churches all over the place. You don't see people wearing atheist jewelry, like Christians wear crosses. It is very difficult to go through one's daily life without beign reminded of Christianity in one way or another.

@snytiger6 not really, you're just obsessed with Christianity. I hear more from atheists than Christians


I wonder if those two guys, would have a better chance selling same sex marriage.

Probably right, atheists general world knowledge of religions is the best of any other no believer or religious group. Why are so many atheists so obsessed with Religion?


My friend at the funeral parlor is a Christian. He tells me he does not have enough faith to be an atheist.


True……and they hate me because I’m smarter and better looking than they are….😎


Can't walk away from my family, only limit our conversations .

Woody Allen said. to his psychologist.
=My brother thinks he is a chicken.
Psychologist , did you tell him he is not a chicken.

= I would, but our family needs the eggs.


That they do, for sure.

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