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I'm a little bit country. I love country music.

Unity 8 Aug 26

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great one. spent all my life in middle of tennessee. it was so big here. i opted for rock and bluegrass, rock mostly tho. but the older i get the country comes thru better. if you don't see it that's gillian welch and dave rawlings working the ticket stand. darius nailed it here.

I am familiar with this song. I prefer Darius Ruckers version


I’m from Detroit, so I never knew Country Music. Pretty sure that when I was growing up there was no Country radio station. I was (and still am) a Motown girl. The many times I drove cross-country, I turned off the Country stations and played my CDs until I got to a big city again. Only when I moved to Arizona in 2015 and learned to line dance and couples dance to Country music did I begin to like it. Now I love it.


Depends on who's singing, and what they are singing about. At one point I used to listen to Alabama, in particular I loved that Dancin' Shaggin' On The Boulevard, some nice memories attached to that song. These days, lean more towards rockabilly than country, but can still hack some country songs.

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