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Bashing religion is ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 1

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I'm restricted from Facebook because I used this on a comment 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

I used to have 5 accounts one of them I closed and two were banned the other two are inactive and for the foreseeable future will remain so.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz WOW!!! I have two but I thought I deleted one and made a newer one, thinking I got rid of the old one.......

@michelle666gar Fuckerberg doesn't delete your accounts you have to remove all information on them in order to disappear from the site. The one I closed was given by him to his fucking cunt of a cryptocurrency scamming sister who turned it into a pro-Trump account until I recovered it and deleted everything on it then posted a notice what had happened.... Later on when Assbook noticed they finally deleted it...

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I thought I deleted mine back in 2018 and created my newer one in 2019 and I see it as someone I know or as a friend suggestion.

They did that to your account, that sounds criminal!

@michelle666gar Fuckerberg and his entire family are in my opinion nothing more than criminal scammers.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I agree with you! I stole that same meme from Facebook and now I'm restricted from the site because I posted it on a comment! 🙄🙄🙄

@michelle666gar I had three accounts at once going for a long time and usually 2 of those would be in Assbook jail for some stupid shit while I worked at getting the third put in with the other two...When all three were in I could take a break.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I left Facebook for a year then I saw this site on messenger and joined, left Facebook and fell in love with this site.

@Lizard_of_Ahaz I've had my Facebook account restricted for reposing content that was already posted on Facebook. I think their enforcement of rules is inconsistent and depends on which employee sees the post reported.

I still have a facebook account, although I did at one time delete it... My friends complained about the deletion, so I "recovered" it. You can evidently recover an account after deletion within a specified period of time.

Now, I just use the Facebook account to find things, article and memes, to post here.

The irony here is that the meme more than likely came from Facebook in the first place.

@DenoPenno It did! The bad part about it you can't do anything about the restriction.

@michelle666gar I know. I am banned for life from Marketplace for using tools that Facebook had provided. Part of their claim was that I was selling domain names and wanted to become an auto dealer.

@DenoPenno That's messed up! Facebook is using ways to blame us for their mistakes

I always loved that meme that said, "Jesus may love you, but I think (and you know) you're garbage wrapped in skin"....


I never suffered through it, caught on early it was not real but damn there are some hysterically funny memes and jokes that prove entertaining.


I never knew I was suffering through religion until I woke up. The scales fell off my eyes and I became woke, then DEI too. Still not broke and not into stupid catch phrases.


I prefer mocking rather than bashing toward finding a middle grounds. Christians can find some funny logic for food for thought. Not so much the Muslims, yet changing.

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