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What make you happy?

Jolanta 9 Sep 2

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There is no such thing as Happiness anymore, just brief period of respite in the form of abject misery before an all to soon return to the status quo of utter despair and hopelessness

Oh, no.



Freedom to spend my days off as I please, even if that's doing nothing, or doing something my own way and in my own time.

I also love the freedom of my chosen business niche which allows me to serve clients celebrating life milestones in ways that align with my secular world view. With that, I'm happy as I ever used to dream to be.

I do have acquaintances and family (kids and grandkids) who don't expect much from me, except love and fun during our time spent together. That's about all I can give, and I've made my peace with that. I appreciate their low expectations of me.

My kids don't need me, but I'm happy they still invite me into their lives, so I can see a part of me going farther than I ever could, and making better choices than I did. I'm also happy that I don't need to depend on my kids either. I've worked toward my own financial security, small as it is, but enough to keep me comfortable, and able to take care of myself.

I really can't complain - which is good - because I'm living the life of my choosing - after breaking out of the life I was dealt.


#1 Time spent with others enjoying ourselves.


pancakes with lots of butter. all sorts of ice cream. happy dogs, older folks and children.


Learning something new, no matter what.
Peace and quiet.
Getting something done


In general. Learning to appreciate and value.

In detail. Sunshine, friends, people at play, gardens, animals, plants, reading, exploring, rain, the seasons, making something, giving gifts, seeing a smile on a face and knowing you helped put it there.

( Most of those are to a degree under my control, but not the first, you have to be British to understand why that comes first. LOL )

I think Kiwi's will understand.


Happy children

puff Level 8 Sep 3, 2024

My grands, and my kids. Sewing, I have about three (shhhh five!!) quilts in progress. My cats. Sleeping!! I am being treated for insomnia, and it is working! I get sleep and enough sleep pretty regularly now. It is amazing what that will do for you. Reading, I belong to a wonderful Humanist book club and we meet every Sunday, we call it our church. Also the Humanist group that I belong to, we are starting some new programming up, I'm excited! We have some cool things coming up. And the outswelling of support, both open and less obvious for the female candidate running for president! It warms my heart.

It all sounds great to me. How are they treating your insomnia?

@Jolanta Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia. It is based on a book written by one of the pioneers in the field. Say Good Night to Insomnia. [] The change I most notice is that when I go into my bedroom at 9:00, I now feel tired, sleepy, and ready to wind down. The HARDEST change, and most likely the most important change is NO SCREENS IN THE BEDROOM. After 9 pm I no longer look at any screens (except for my fitbit watch).


Reading novel science papers and glimpsing both their intent and the implications.

Doing a magic show for 60 kids and adults and not screwing up (significantly). (It's an amazing win-win because even if something goes wrong, the audience is rooting for me and will indulge delays or minor failures. People want me to succeed and suspend disbelief. This is for my neighborhood's annual block party) I have a feeling of happy triumph afterwards. But relief too.

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