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That woman - she admits that she is racist. Gotta admire her for her honesty. 😆

Ryo1 8 Sep 8

Enjoy being online again!

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No shocker on the racist lady part, people that have that sort of mentality are indeed racist.

And the culture war rages on...


When you have a supposedly free country where overt racism gets embraced by a fascist political party, many non-whites will feel intimidated and respond accordingly. Everyone knows the problem but addressing it remains extremely difficult. Especially when you have a hostile foreign fascist seeking to undermine the country (and the rest of the West) by fostering racism and balkanization.

@racocn8 🎯

I find it interesting that the others (apart from one white man) all basically say that it is fine to be any colour, and this makes me wonder how it is actually true that America is deeply divided. Perhaps, it is the case that ordinary people can actually get on with each other just fine, while only some people are influenced by whoever fosters racism and balkanization. The mainstream media certainly play a big role in narrative control.
BTW, in the UK, if I openly say that I am racist, I would probably be arrested. Your freedom of speech is well protected by the First Amendment.

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