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"CIA and MI6 chiefs warn of threats to ‘world order’
The US and UK spy bosses have named China and Russia as the main challengers to the status quo"

This is the definition of Hubris. The world order they talk of is their desired world order. The status quo has been threatened by the weaponisation of the $USD for many years, but kicked into overdrive by the Biden admin.

puff 8 Sep 9

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Is "HUBRIS" diplomatic dust or Fallout?

It's believing your own bullshit and living in your glory days when they have long past. UK has the same problem. And the French. But the US takes the cake ie they still think they are the "Exceptional nation" the rest of the world can't live without. They live in their colonial and imperial pasts the lot of them. The world has moved on yet they still don't realise. Hubris.

Remember the days when no-one knew who the Heads of spook departments were? Let alone have them host media events. They are losing control and rudderless leadership wise, both countries. Macron is just a wannabe Napolean.


All politicians are at fault, they've been lying to us for a long time!

Australian ones are really bad. Imagine a major gas exporter having to import gas for domestic use. That is what we are doing. Plus to rub salt into the wound, we get no benefit at all eg no royalties get paid, our gas just gets shipped off, never to be seen again, until we buy it back.
Our two main political parties are dumb and dumber

@puff Alas it is the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Australians are not capable of handling the truth.

@puff Australia is also building the largest solar farm in the southern hemisphere, not for our consumption, but the Philippines and Indonesia. We still have to pay dearly for our energy.
Most likely we will import our solar power energy back from he Philippines.

@vocaloldfart Not any more. I'm amazed how much it changed the 20 years I was away. How compliant everyone was during Covid ie What happened to the Aussie larakin who snuck in games of 2-up?

@vocaloldfart And Dutton wants us to be a major arms exporter.

@vocaloldfart I think all these big plans will come to naught. The UK is having riots, so is Germany and France. EU and NATO looking shaky. The US is on a tinder box and there will be one almighty stock market crash sooner than later I feel. The whole West is facing a big crash I think eg no more big projects for the big boys, and we will be very isolated when that happens.

@puff all true , it is a given we all feel it coming. I just wish things would happen, this waiting and uncertainty is worse that the future upheaval will be. At lest when the shit hits the fan, you can duck or get the hell out of the room or take some action.. This damm waiting is hell.

@vocaloldfart That solar farm thing is so stupid, especially if going North as you say. Do you know why?
If you have ever been to Darwin you know they have massive tides, constantly moving. So chuck some paddle wheels in the water and generate power on both tides; incoming and out going. Be a lot cheaper and more reliable than solar. Our policy makers are brain dead and corrupt.

@puff Our saviour and Fuehrer Peter Dutton will guarantee that his masters and donors will be enriched beyond belief. The rest of us are only tolerated because we pay for it. Rejoice in his magnificence, his wisdom, his leadership. The larcenous Nazi Plutocrats have it all figured out. Peter Dutton is such a magnificent divine man.

@vocaloldfart He looks like Voldemort from Harry Potter. And never forget, he's the prick who wanted Turnbull's job but couldn't count his numbers properly, so we ended up with psycho Scott "Skidmark" Morrison, the Hillsong happy clapper who gave us AUKUS, in secret. Our parliament wasn't even aware.
So thanks Dutton you big boofhead.

They have no choice . Withholding knowledge is power.

@Mcfluwster Everything is about money and fucking the rest of us.

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