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Under the heading of WTF...walking my dog yesterday, in very Blue Ct, 2 houses directly across the street from each other now sport drump flags. (Also they should both buy a lawnmower together and try it out, but i digress.)
One also had an obviously old flag saying "Veterans for Trump" which i found saddening beyond belief.....divorced from reality much?

annewimsey500 7 Sep 10

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Unfortunately, the stupid comprise half the population. So this election is going to be a close one!

Yup, need to always remember that half the population has only double digit IQs, by statistical definition, and unfortunately, the vast majority of them vote, while lots of the smarter folks don't, simply because they are smart enough to see how bad the choices are, and give up, out of being demoralized.. And in fact, many studies have shown that most non voters are actually more informed about the issues, than the majority of those that do vote..

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