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China to train thousands of overseas law enforcement officers to create ‘more fair’ world order []
communism coming to America as it looks like we can't trust our courts any more! Kamal toe harris will loves!

1patriot 8 Sep 12

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All these fools are brainwashed by government/ political cults. Trump and all the democrats work together to force communism on the global scale. The central banks print fake paper money and buy all the gold. We are truly fucked!!! These idiots can't even comprehend it


look it up don't trust google to tell you the truth


You have surpassed all previous Nonsense with this Major BS.
ROFLMAO...did you even Google "Chinese Overseas Law Enforcement"????
Have even a Moment where it sounded weird and phony?
Of course not.......

I think China has enough to police, like 1.4 billion.

You should know by now, if it says "Posted by 1patriot", it's horseshit.

Couple years ago the newspapers made big deal about 300 Chinese nationals get police training here in Vancouver at the justice Institute and I thought wtf do they need to learn about being cops in the Canadian legal system and now it's confirmed that they coming here to canada they help Trudeau get elected in 2019. out intelligent agents has told us many times. i know your to lazy to look it up!

oh and i did cure my cancer and my COPD. LOL how many shit shots have you had..... i just two neighbours died this week took one shot 3 years ago both heart attacks! you turns coming LOL

BREAKING: Congress Passes 25 Bills to Combat Chinese Communist Party Threats
The House of Representatives has passed 25 crucial pieces of legislation to protect Americans against the military, economic, ideological, and technological threats posed by the CCP

i forgot you trust google LOL

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