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Them: Be like Jesus ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 15

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Jesus was actually healing with cannabis and magic mushrooms in the daye. He just put magic mushrooms into the water cups and the rest was history.


Fuck em if they don't know their own religious icon.

Hell you can even turn water into wine, just add a little juice concentrate, yeast and sugar wha la 6 weeks later, Wine!

@glennlab Like most stories of Jesus, turning water into wine was originally a story from an earlier religion, the story came from the stories of Dionysus, the Greek/Roman god of wine.

@snytiger6 Yep, there was a god of wine.

@snytiger6 JC had nothing unique among the demigods, just like their own book says there is nothing new under the sun.

@glennlab The stories of Jesus weren't really new either. They were mostly just recycled myths from earlier religions and cultures... Just like many other biblical stories...


You're just an ass kisser

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