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Of course Donald should be preserved ....IN ASPIC
What does preserved in aspic mean?
"kept exactly the same as it was in the past, especially when this seems unreasonable:" e.g.The town seems to have been in aspic since the 1950s.

OR would it not be ironic if to preserve him, he was mummified?

Mcfluwster 7 Sep 16

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"Aspic" is actually a clear jelly that that cold food is put into, kind of a meaty jello. In more detail, it is: a "savoury clear jelly prepared from a liquid stock made by simmering the bones of beef, veal, chicken, or fish. The aspic congeals when refrigerated by virtue of the natural gelatin that dissolves into the stock from the tendons; commercial sheet or powdered gelatin is sometimes added to ensure a stiff set."


However, metaphorically, it can be used to describe something "preserved" in time. I kinda like the idea of Trump being simmered and congealed.


Just like Hoffa, under the first rest stop on the NJT as you leave NY?
Ever wonder why it is the Only one that serves both North and Southbound sides with an elaborate system of roads in between? I stop and pay my respects whenever in the area.
Of course if they put drump there I will have an ethical dilemma. Or I could piss on the ground near my car.....


Other alternatives: tar & feathers, amber, carbonite, diatomaceous earth, Yucca Mountain, bleach, molten lava...

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