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Hey dad I'm doing a traffic safety poster ...

snytiger6 9 Sep 17

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In my older minivan, with 2 grandkids, 7& 9, my Mom, 2 dogs in crates, my Mom's wheelchair, and assorted beach-going things like chairs and towels, I was stopped at a red light when a fully-dressed-for-it cyclist ran the red light, screaming Gas Guzzler at me.
I guess my grandkids could have pushed my mom in the wheelchair with the towels and my purse on her lap while I harnessed the dogs to a cart for the rest of our stuff? It was only another 12 miles from the beach.......then 20 to return Mom to assisted living, another 8 to get the kids home.....7 more for me & the dogs to get home.
A magic moment for all of us.......

They are good at accusing but not so good at offering a viable alternative.

@Betty With the advent of hybrids and fully electric cars, I'd say the alternatives have arrived.

That being said, I think it is not right to be judgemental and make assumptions about people. Not eeryone chooses the vehicle they drive, and some choose vehicles that can fulfill needed tasks and fuel economy is a secondary concern.

I also think that persons who choose "muscle cares" or large vehicles simply because it makes them feel more powerful are both selfish and wasteful, when they have no actual need for a large vehicle. Then the "gas guzzler" label probably fits them well.

However, most people simply do the best they can.

I agree. Screaming an accusation at someone instead of having a conversation is rude and inconsiderate. There was no attempt at understanding in the story above and that makes the cyclist a jerk.

Now I feel the need to state it was a 2007 Dodge Caravan 4-cylinder that got about 20/22 mpg, especially if not loaded as described above, and was very well maintained and low miles when I bought it, and Kept properly maintained.
( I generally buy used everything f possible, for example have Never owned a new washer or dryer.)
This was when my Mom was alive so hybrids were not much in the pic yet, and def not in van sizes.

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