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So much for standing for 'hard-working people'. Disappointing to say the least.

Sir Keir Starmer, the new UK Labour Prime Minister, has come under scrutiny over the past week for the more than £100,000-worth of gifts he has accepted.

It started with controversy over his wife's clothes and has escalated since Sky News' Westminster Accounts project revealed he has been gifted more freebies and hospitality than any other MP since 2019 - a total worth £107,145.

Sir Keir has also received - and disclosed - other gifts from Lord Alli totalling £39,122.

These donations included an unspecified donation of accommodation worth £20,437, "work clothing" worth £16,200, and multiple pairs of glasses equivalent to £2,485.

Some Tory MPs have condemned Sir Keir for accepting the gifts at all, with shadow science and technology secretary Andrew Griffith saying: "It beggars belief that the prime minister thinks it's acceptable that pensioners on £13,000 a year can afford to heat their home when he earns 12 times that but apparently can't afford to clothe himself or his wife."

His comments refer to the government's decision to cut winter fuel payments for most pensioners.
(It is said that some 4,000 pensioners would die this winter as a result of the removal of the fuel allowance decided by Keir Starmer's government.)


Keir Starmer’s hypocrisy over gifts can’t be dressed up
Readers respond to the news that the prime minister has accepted money from a party donor to buy spectacles and clothes for him and his wife


Ryo1 8 Sep 19

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A hundred thousand, is far more than the annual income, of the vast majority of the people in the country he claims to represent.

Starmer and his cabinet have abandonded the party's traditional values.
Almost half the British adult polulation didn't cast their ballots on July 4. I wish they'd still gone to polling stations to spoil their ballot papers instead of not turning up.


He must be related to Supreme Court justices here in the USA.

Keir Starmar got his qualifications as a lawyer in 1987 and began working as a barrister before he became the leader of the Labour Party and Prime Minister.

@Ryo1 our supreme court justices are appointed and their appointments are for life. Supposedly, this makes them not beholden to political parties. It is not working and there needs to be term limits. Trump has most of the present justices in his pocket.

Trust in the establishment is getting less and less in the UK, plus, we have a prime minister who is a pathological liar. The latest news is that it has been revealed that his Labour Party accepted a multi-million-pound donation from an offshore hedge fund with investments in weapons firms and private healthcare. Shocking! More and more leftists are abandoning the Labour Paty now, me included.

@Ryo1 we had a pathological liar for a president and, as you know, he is running again. It amazes me how his cult laps up his lies and defends him. I guess that I won't be emigrating to England to escape the madness, though. (I have an MA in Brit lit and always wanted a cottage in the English countryside.)

Do visit England! Beautiful countryside, history, architecture, friendly locals, etc. You wouldn't be disappointed. 🙂

@Ryo1 I would love to visit! However, though I prefer doing most things alone, I would not travel alone. I am not only an inexperienced traveler and hate to fly, but am also directionally impaired. There is no telling where I might wind up. My DIL said she would travel with me, so who knows?


Money and power always seems to ruin politicians, no matter their good intentions in the beginning....

His behaviour is unethical and right against the spirit of public service.

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