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Preparing for the next Olympics. 😆

Stoats Running and Somersaulting

Ryo1 8 Sep 21

Enjoy being online again!

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I once saw baby stoats playing like that, by the roadside in North Yorkshire.


Looks like the joy of spring is being celebrated.


Cute. 🙂

Betty Level 8 Sep 22, 2024

Wow! We do not have "stoats" here, but they look a lot like weasels to me?

We have both in the UK. They are very similar. The stoat is larger than the weasel and has a tail with a black tip.

You'd know what weasels look like as you keep electing them as your presidents & governments - genocide Joe, traitorous Trump, oleaginous Obama, conniving Clinton, bs Bush 1 & 2 . . .

@FrayedBear Jeebus H, did I not say last week you need a med adjustment? STAT.
Talk about an inappropriate remark.....
@Ryo1 I am sure appreciates it.

@annewimsey500 you mean you didn't comprehend it Anne?

Yeah, he often goes off the rail. Lol!

@Ryo1 sometimes it is just like going to the zoo on here........

Easy now.

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