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I was hoping that the Replicon Vaccine warning would have resulted in the immediate stop of the Japanese government’s plan to give a self replicating genetic vaccine to the people of Japan.

Japan`s plan to destroy the world
Daniel Nagase MD
Aug 31
Read full story
However, as of today plans to release Replicon are still underway, and there are less than 10 days left to stop the Japanese government. The consequences of the entire world placing Japan on a complete quarantine to stop the spread of Replicon vaccines through birds, mosquitoes and fish would end Japan’s economy and possibly cause a global market crash.

Any employee, shareholder or executive of Meiji or VLP therapeutics who thinks their money will be worth anything after October 2024 should think again. Japan’s wealth at every level, National, Corporate and Individual will be over. Japan, Japanese Corporations, and Japanese people will be the poorest in the world if Replicon is released and the rest of the world tries to stop it from spreading to their country.

Is there a way to prevent self replicating (Replicon) mRNA vaccines from infecting you if they combine with airborne viruses as I previously warned?


Thanks to Reece and MacKenzie’s review into Dr. Ralph Baric’s research from almost 15 years ago, zinc may be one of the safest preventions and treatments for viral infections. Taking Hydroxychloroquine or similar herbal compounds amplify the effect of zinc against RNA virus replication.



However, taking daily medication if you are healthy and not sick is something I rarely recommend.

My philosophy is that prevention should be through healthy living and not pills. However, given how everyone’s work and living situations are different, especially in urban areas, supplements and medications may be necessary until people can move to healthier environments.

How effective is zinc with or without Hydroxychloroquine?

It is highly dependent on the general health of the person taking it.

Given the nature of the world today, there are few guarantees, and the best that can be done is to maintain and optimize overall health, hoping that zinc and hydroxychloroquine (or an equivalent herb) remain effective.


1patriot 8 Sep 21

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