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Man, how cool is that!

Ryo1 8 Sep 21

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Cheaper than motor vehicles but probably not needed for much crowd control. Definitely no good in high speed pursuits unles the perp is on crutches or missing a leg & hopping.

With a top speed of thirty miles an hour, high-speed chases are out of the question. They would however be quite intimidating in tense situations. I wouldn't argue with those horns. ๐Ÿ˜‰

@Betty ๐Ÿ˜

@Betty @FrayedBear

Don't forget a much wider perspective of an area from an elevated position when saddled up.

@Ryo1 Something that I always enjoyed when driving my vardi - a converted Bedford bus.


Buffalo Soldiers

Ryo1 Level 8 Sep 22, 2024

Men and their toys. ๐Ÿ˜‚

Betty Level 8 Sep 22, 2024

Indeed, but I sure do hope for their sake they don't get bucked off though. They might go flying some distance if that were to happen, lol.

See my remark above.

@FrayedBear Personally, I don't think "animal vehicles" are that practical in this day and age, so what you mentioned above comes as no surprise to me.

@SpikeTalon @FrayedBear

The police still use hourses mainly for crowd controll in London, UK.

The role of Mounted Branch

The Mounted Section horses play a major role in policing the City from hi-visibility patrols to state occasions, crowd control at demonstrations and sporting events and ceremonial duties.

Our officers and horses have patrolled the Kingโ€™s coronation, Lord Mayorโ€™s show, Trooping the Colour and assisted in Buckingham Palace Guard changes and state visits from foreign dignitaries.

Away from ceremonial duties, police horses also provides a reassurance to the public. Our officers have an elevated vantage point when saddled up, giving them a wider perspective of an area that an officer on foot might not see.

Mounted patrols are often intelligence-led in a counter-terrorism capacity, due to the fact they can provide such a strong, visible presence. The Branch are also used regularly on Project Servator deployments.


@Ryo1 Cool. Police horses sound more useful in the UK than they are here in the States.

@SpikeTalon that's probably because you need water buffolo as many Americans are grossly over weight, and that's not just the women.

@SpikeTalon, @Ryo1 and not forgetting their frequent use at football matches.

@SpikeTalon Mounted patrols are useful for crowd control, for example, Mardi Gras in New Orleans etc...
They are also useful in rural and remote areas where vehicles would have difficulty accessing.

@Betty Fair enough, but I don't see them as being that useful in the area I'm from though.

@SpikeTalon Different methods for different places.

@FrayedBear @SpikeTalon @Betty
And "10 foot cops", the NYPD's Mounted Unit.

@Ryo1 Don't forget the Canadian Mounties. ๐Ÿ™‚


@SpikeTalon slow the traffic down wonderfully but perhaps you're not bothered about the cost of road traffic accidents & fatalities?

@FrayedBear Why would you assume that?

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