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I don't care... It's funny. 🤣😁 []

Captnfeelgood 5 Sep 22

Enjoy being online again!

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Thanks for cleaning up the extra posts of this, lol even though I did lose lots of 1st post double points! 🤣😭


I think it not funny that you can't clean up your own detritus caused by your impatient pressing of the post button that has resulted in 4 postings on this site of this lame brain commentary on fbuk.

Derritus?? That's a new one. Perhaps you meant 'detritus'. But hey, that's okay. We all make typos from time to time. Just curious, did it ever occur to you that maybe there was a glitch in a system somewhere and I didn't REALLY try to post it 4 times? But hey, you be you, bro. 🙄

@Captnfeelgood thanks for the spelling correction. I must be developing dyslexia!
Yes the system leaves much to be desired & I've experienced the same repetition of posts but in the main I've deleted the annoyance for the benefit of all.

@FrayedBear Okay,,, no worries. But I have to ask, why the crazy animosity?? It's okay if we have different opinions on issues. That's why we love our 1st so much. How about we discuss stuff civilly and try to come to a mutual agreement? I've done my share of finger pointing and shit talking here, I know. And I hate I did it. But it's high time we get past it and seriously talk about the issues at hand. Let's try to be civil and make sense of where our country is going, and make the best choice for everyone. Can you do that?

@Captnfeelgood I thought that I had been totally polite & had not sunk to ad hominem. My experience, through my own impatience, has shown that repeat posting only occurs following repeated pressing of the "post" button. If patient & you wait about 3 minutes after pressing the button once it does appear.

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