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Life without clocks and watches


Unity 8 Sep 24

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Sort of like retirement. Except you do need a clock to make sure you get to all your doctor appointments.


I’ve worn watches constantly since I was a kid. The forty three years I drove bus, it wasn’t an option and I had to constantly be aware of the time. Since my retirement in 2016 I had worn one out of habit up until a few years ago. Since then, I rarely put one on, mostly on those rare occasions when I actually have to be somewhere. And half the time, if it’s just one appointment I don’t even bother.


It really is awfully pretty.
Not a fan of snow.
I did the self-employed potter thing back in the late 1990s until the great recession hit in 2005. The only thing I had to keep track of was the timer on the kiln and what time various shows started. Baseball game start times were important but otherwise I just followed my own inner clock.
Retirement is much the same, I find having appointments to keep causes me anxiety. Then again I never did like doctors or dentist appointments.


Island looks nice except for winter and the snow. I hate snow. As for time and watches, this is how you know when to get to work or show up for an appointment. I do not wear a watch of any kind but ex girlfriends always bought me one. My own mother used to buy me watches. Funny that I do not wear a watch and I have a clock hanging up in every room.


That was sure some nice scenery there.

I agree

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