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Boston University study finds that children exposed to religion have difficulty telling fact from fiction. Obviously, the same is true for a lots of adults, as well.

KateOahu 8 Sep 27

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A major part of religious indoctrination, is teaching people to believe that. "I want." Equates to truth. If it seems to promise to fulfill my personal greeds desires and lusts, then it is truth.

This works especially well with people who have narcissistic personalities, as does much political propaganda, and is the exact opposite of the belief, that truth is best reached by hard work, and the careful elimination of all preconceptions, desires and prejudices.


Religious indoctrination is gullibility training, where people are taught to accept wild claims that are completely unsupported by independently-verifiable evidence. It's no accident Evangelical Christians are so ready to believe Donald Trump's lies. They were groomed for this since childhood.



they have been programmed not to use critical thinking skills and accept the word of their church without question. sounds like a mental deficit.

Yep, you’re right.

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