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Recently, some of you on here may have received a letter in the mail from an organization called Change Healthcare, which detailed about a security breach that company dealt with back in February of this year. The number of impacted individuals and the types of personal information that had possibly been compromised is largely unknown, so in order to keep their bases covered anyone who could have been connected to Change Healthcare in any way (through other organizations etc) were sent a letter (although I had heard not all may have been contacted due to differences in contact/address details on record).

The following read might help to keep anyone updated of whom their personal information may have been compromised in that February ransomware attack on Change Healthcare. If you believe you've been impacted by that in some way, it's a good idea to stay vigilant regarding any unusual account(s) activity(s), and taking Change Healthcare up on their offer to provide free credit monitoring services for up to two years. When it comes to cyber attacks, ransomware in particular, that sort of thing could take time before you even notice anything is amiss, as when personal identifiable information is posted on the Dark Web for sale it might take some time (as much as a few years) for a buyer to come along and use that information for nefarious purposes. In short, don't be caught off guard, and it's my understanding that the breach on Change Healthcare potentially impacted many Americans. We can all play a part in helping to curb/quickly respond to identity theft and related crimes by getting the word out.

Change Healthcare data breach: What to know for your Social Security number and more-

SpikeTalon 9 Sep 28

Enjoy being online again!

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Some additional sources-




Personally speaking, I think Change Healthcare deciding to pay the $22 million ransom to the scammers was a big mistake, which in turn could inspire more ransomware attacks of the same in the near future.

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