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While Trump Lies...

Helene makes unlikely friends of Republican swing-state governors and Biden

President Joe Biden has made phone calls to all governors of the states affected by Hurricane Helene in a bipartisan approach that is typical of most presidents during times of national disaster. 

Biden approved major disaster declarations for Florida, North Carolina, and South Carolina, which will allow survivors to access relief funds and resources immediately. The Federal Emergency Management Agency and other federal agencies, as well as private entities and nonprofit charities, are responding to the disaster in at least seven states in the Southeast.

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nogod4me 8 Oct 3

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Oh, looky, actual Leadership and/in Action!!!!


When tornadoes wrecked my area a few years ago, I must admit I was impressed with FEMA, the local and federal government's rapid response and relief efforts.
It was also heartwarming to see humanitarian efforts by people from all walks of life.

Unity Level 8 Oct 3, 2024
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