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An interesting guy, and he is super intelligent. Worth a watch.

Konstantin Kisin is a Russian-British satirist and co-host of the podcast TRIGGERnometry. He is also the best-selling author of the book, ‘An Immigrant's Love Letter to the West’.

In this conversation, Konstantin and Steven discuss topics such as, how wokeness has lost true meaning, the origin of political correctness, the dangers of a victim mindset, the real reason men are struggling, the ongoing war in Ukraine, Russian sleeper cells, and much more.

Watch here:

Ryo1 8 Oct 3

Enjoy being online again!

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Howdy @Ryo1, can I ask you a question related to one of the topics mentioned in the OP above? (I take it it's okay to ask, you're a swell guy!)

What is your take on this political item of interest that folks nowadays simply refer to as "woke"? You don't have to amswer if you don't wish, but curiosity abounds is all.

Ideas based on identiy politics - simply put that is. If you watch the video, Kisin explains what wokeness is. It was originally a positive thing in terms of becoming aware of social injustice, but it changed to become harmful in terms of dividing society.

@Ryo1 Thank you for taking the time to respond to my query, and I agree with your conclusion on that matter. I contend that's not an issue of being woke per se, but rather being politically correct, and yes that is surely dividing people in my country (and elsewhere around the world I'm sure). Political correctness has and always will be a negative force.

I think the problem such as political correctness grew bigger when wokeness (awareness) turned into wokeism (ideology). Together with cultural Marxism, wokeism very much focuses on the oppressor-oppressed paradigm, which also promotes the celebration of victimhood. As Kisin says, promoting the celebration of victimhood is toxic and detrimental to human relationships.

@Ryo1 That it is, toxic, for sure.

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