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Hurricane Helene Damage to Asheville - Disregard the Religious Nonsense

nogod4me 8 Oct 7

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What is even crazier than the global changing weather patters is the denial by the wealthy and politicians. One item in the 2025 project is to stop all money devoted to reducing climate change. Even here in our blue state is a transplant from California who has an initiative to stop all capital gains taxes and gasoline taxes devoted to reducing climate change.

I wonder ho the average person in that part of the country feel about being used as a pawn by certain conservative politicians. Even now De Santos has said he does not want to meet with Biden and we all know he will spin this to make it look like FEMA doesn't care about republicans.


And now hurricane Milton, a monster category 5 storm, is on its way to Florida's gulf coast and beyond. Tampa is currently in the center of the cone of uncertainty. Will it finally convince the climate science deniers that global warming is real? How many back-to-back, once-in-500-year events have to happen before people wake up ? And when they do, will they remember that Donald J. Trump is a climate science denier who wants to cut investments in green energy and instead let the dirty old oil companies drill in sensitive habitats and burn baby burn?


WOW! Nice to have a reality check like that. I wonder how things are a week out from the storm/flooding?
Meanwhile in MAGA land House Speaker mike johnson Says Congress Can Wait for Helene Damage Needs. This is from Sunday on FOX while another hurricane looks to be bearing down on western Florida. He will not recall Congress from their break to consider more FEMA funding - Congress is not due back until Nov. 12th. Their MAGA cult leader is spreading lies and actually damaging the relief efforts in the states damaged by the hurricane.

Why would either party want to see congress called back to session, when neither party is really serious about stopping climate change? The only diff I see, is the Dems talk a lot about stopping it, but their actions are very lame and half measures, since they are just as owned by the fossil fuel companies as the Repubs. So they have to at least pretend to be better on this issue..

@TomMcGiverin That's pretty typical, the GOP does not want to give the little people anything, the dems will throw a bone. Still, trump is not a good option.

@silverotter11 Obviously. Lesser evil voting again, as always..

@TomMcGiverin Thinking people will have to take more interest and a bigger role moving forward.
We'll see how that works out - I'm 71 now hoping to see the ship of state making a turn away from the policies of the last 40 years before I return to the dust of the universe. lol

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