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“There was a man that took off yesterday in his helicopter to go up in the mountains to drop off food. He landed and got arrested and said he was interfering with a government operation, but there's no operations going on.”

“I'm currently in Asheville, North Carolina with my company doing disaster security for a dialysis company, and we're also doing search and rescue for patients to bring them to dialysis so they don't die.

This place is a war zone people and the military is not here.

And the reason I'm pissed because I was part of the operation during hurricane Katrina. I was stationed in San Diego and within 96 hours we were in Louisiana. And these bastards are not sending the military here.

There's so much destruction. There's no news crews here. That's why you're not seeing it. The American people should be angry at what our government is doing to this town. There are people hurting here.

There are so many people dying. I drove past a young kids about 5 to 7 years old. They were brother and sister, and they were looking for their parents. We got them to a church. These young kids don't know where their mom and dad are.

And the military is being fcking hamstrained by these goddamn DOD fcking executives. If you're not angry, you should be. Because this is what our government thinks about us. They're not here to help us. We have to take care of ourselves.

There's townsears that are self policing. We drove into towns where the the town folk came up to us and said, what are you doing here? So we're looking for patients. We're trying to get them help, and they welcome us with open arms. This is bad, people.

You're not here. It is very bad. We need water. We need food. We need clothes.

I'm in a budget motel, and I'm very grateful, and I feel somewhat guilty that I have a roof over my head and a shower. And it's right across from the airport.

There was a man that took off yesterday in his helicopter to go up in the mountains to drop off food. He landed and got arrested and said he was interfering with the government, a government operation, but there's no operations going on.

I'm sick to my stomach that our government treats our American people this way.

And then when they get slapped in the face, oh, here's $750. After we sent over $200,000,000,000 overseas. Alejandro Mayorkas, you're a traitor to your country.

1patriot 8 Oct 6

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$759 is not enough to set them up in a homeless shelter, if they are accepted, lining up behind refugees. . US has unlimited fund money to spend 10, 000 troops and ountless weapons to Is=real=hell.


Like me aren't you lucky that you don't live in USA ?

Canada is no different!

@1patriot Trudeau's not the best.

@FrayedBear actually he's the worst we ever had in 155 years

second that.

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