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Saw this quote and thought I would share it.

Aralt 7 May 9

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I'll be respectful to people of religion, as even though I don't share beliefs in the source of what influences them, their actions are what make or break my respect. Once the line is crossed and their beliefs attempt to impede on mine, then they lose it, if they push repeatedly.


very good love it


I respect people with religion, it isnt hurting me - if it did I would disrespect them - I don't have to buy into it and not everyone feels the need to proseletyse. I have a laugh with very many people who I know are religious doesn't stop them having humanity and doesn't stop me either. If they come accross strong and crusading I will cross them off my list but so far that hasnt happened.


I disagree.
I don't respect the believer, at all.
Without them the religion is nothing.
By acquiescense or aggreeance they further the harm done in their name.
The table doesn't stand without its legs.
Fuck religions and the religious.

I tend to agree but I just think some believers are not bad people, they're just lost. religion is probably responsible for more death and cruelty than anything else since it was invented by MEN

Most people have relatives, friends, etc who are religious so they need to maintain that 'I'll respect you, you respect me' mantra regardless it's nonsensical reasoning. I'm lucky in that I don't I guess.
For me, anyone who's belief system requires willful ignorance has lost any respect for themselves already. I'm certainly not going to give any.


Well said!

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