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Germany's Black Holocaust: 1890-1945: Details Never Before Revealed!
Book by Firpo Carr

In the 1890s Blacks were tortured in German concentration camps in Southwest Africa (now called Namibia) when Adolph Hitler was only a child. Colonial German doctors conducted unspeakable medical experiments on these emaciated helpless Africans decades before such atrocities were ever visited upon the Jews. Thousands of Africans were massacred. Regrettably, historians neglected to properly register the slaughter-that is, to lift it from the footnote in history that it had been relegated to-until now. In an attempt to give the incidents their rightful recognition in the historical context of the Holocaust, Dr. Firpo W. Carr has authored a new book entitled, Germany's Black Holocaust: 1890-1945. In it, he reveals the startling hidden history of Black victims of the Holocaust. The mayhem and carnage date back to the turn of the 20th century, many years before there were ever any other unfortunate victims-Jew or Gentile

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FrayedBear 9 Oct 8

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Racists and fascists deny history, they burn books and push lies in order to sustain their hate.

"Nazis burnt books to silence free speech.
Republicans ban books to prevent children from learning about American racism, misogyny and persecution of minorities. Now Republicans are proposing burning books.

Book burnings symbolize Nazi intolerance and censorship.

"Where one burns books, one will soon burn people." - Heinrich Heine."


I have more of a problem with a true conspiracy of throw away products, leading to throw away relationships. Burn anything you want, as long as you own it. Burn books and bra, it's legal. As long as they don't come into my house and Burn my books and my ladies wonder bras Burn the American Flag, or passport it just fabric or paper . Burning entire in Gaza is the ultimate crime. I might take a shot gun to my old car, it's cost me too much money. LGBT and the religious sure likes to try to cancel each other out. Entering Nazis ideas to small material stuff is sweating the small stuff.

@Castlepaloma That is a simple-minded way to look at it.


I'll live by simplified simplified and simplified ,like real-estate location location and location.

Stick with complications of synbol minded people in the game of the money drain

@Castlepaloma Yes, I've noticed that simple-mindedness is your forte.


Alot of history is a lie, it's the winners who tell the story, HIs=story. They don't allow investigation of the holocaust Museum and deatth sites. Don't question it, anymore then the Zionist history and actions.

Some orthodox Rabbis say only one million jews were killed and on up to Russian claims nearly 3 million Jews—half of all the Holocaust victims—died in the “Holocaust by bullets” in the Nazi-occupied Soviet territories. Yet the Soviets systematically denied that Jews were particular targets of Nazi atrocities. No memorialization or study of the Holocaust took place, and as a general rule, no monuments were put up over mass execution sites.

What are you talking about?????
The Germans running the concentration camps and crematoriums were Meticulous record-keepers, and those volumes are readily available in the Holocaust Museum and copies are at all higher institutions of learning, and available to anyone.
From clothing and possessions confiscated to uniforms alloted, to work details, food served, bodies burned, the personnel in charge, the transport trains, disposal methods (like, how much gas used per # in the gas chambers, and the hourly death rate (German efficiency!) and ETCETERA, the perpetrators made many, detailed careful records with date/time/place and all horrific details Themselves.
You are a woefully ignorant person, for all your boasting.

@annewimsey500 yes the Israeli Jews got a good lesson from the Third Reich to ensure everyone who could record their atrocities in Gaza has been murdered & the records destroyed. They made a big mistake with the mass graves though didn't they?


I don't denie the holocaust took place. Just question of the number of Jews who were killed. There are different stories from different countries and investigator reportors. .
Especially the orthodox jews punished by the Zionist for telling a different story,. Real jews punishment worst than the Palestinian. Then tell the real Semiti, they are antisemitic. Palestinian who took care of the orthodox jews during the holocaust until invaded by the Zionist.

The survey, touted as the first 50-state survey of Holocaust knowledge among millennials and Generation Z, showed that many respondents were unclear about the basic facts of the genocide. Sixty-three percent of those surveyed did not know that 6 million Jews were murdered in the Holocaust, and over half of those thought the death toll was fewer than 2 million. I'm not the only one you claim willfull full of himself or herself. .

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